深入探索Mac OS X编程:大牛牧场指南

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"Advanced Mac OS X Programming - The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Mark Dalrymple" 本书《Advanced Mac OS X Programming》是马克·达利米普尔(Mark Dalrymple)所著的一本深入探讨Mac OS X编程的高级指南,主要针对熟悉Objective-C的开发者。这本书可能是2011年的版本,由Big Nerd Ranch出版社出版,并由Pearson Technology Group在全球独家发行英文版。 在Mac OS X平台上进行高级编程涉及多个关键知识点,其中包括: 1. **Objective-C语言**: Objective-C是苹果操作系统的基础,它是C语言的一个扩展,添加了面向对象编程的特性。读者需要了解类、对象、消息传递、继承、多态性等概念。 2. **Cocoa框架**: Cocoa是Mac OS X上的主要开发框架,包括Foundation和AppKit两大部分。Foundation提供了基础的数据类型和系统服务,而AppKit则用于构建图形用户界面。理解Cocoa的设计模式,如Model-View-Controller (MVC),以及如何使用NIB文件来设计界面,是学习的关键。 3. **事件驱动编程**: Mac OS X使用事件驱动模型,开发者需要理解事件循环、事件处理和用户交互的处理机制。 4. **内存管理**: 在Objective-C中,内存管理通常是手动进行的,需要理解引用计数和autorelease池的概念。虽然现代版本的iOS和Mac OS X引入了ARC(Automatic Reference Counting),但理解基本原理仍然是重要的。 5. **多线程与并发**: 书中可能涵盖线程安全、GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)以及NSOperationQueue等多线程技术,这些工具可以帮助开发者高效地利用多核处理器。 6. **Core Data**: Core Data是苹果提供的一种数据管理框架,用于存储和检索应用程序的数据。它提供了模型层的抽象,简化了数据持久化的过程。 7. **图形和动画**: 可能会涉及Quartz 2D、Core Animation和OpenGL,这些都是在Mac OS X上创建动态和交互式用户界面的重要技术。 8. **系统集成与接口**: 学习如何与其他系统服务、硬件和网络进行交互,例如使用Bonjour进行设备发现,或者使用Core Location获取地理位置信息。 9. **调试和性能优化**: 书中可能会介绍如何使用Instruments等工具进行性能分析和调试,以提高应用程序的效率和稳定性。 10. **沙盒安全模型**: 随着OS X和iOS的安全性增强,了解沙盒环境及其对应用程序权限的影响变得至关重要。 该书作为一本高级指南,除了基础概念外,还可能包含实践案例、代码示例和解决问题的策略,旨在帮助开发者深入理解Mac OS X平台的复杂性和潜在能力。如果你计划开发高质量的Mac应用,这本书将是一个宝贵的资源。
2017-06-11 上传
Mastering macOS Programming by Stuart Grimshaw English | 31 May 2017 | ASIN: B01LWACIKS | 626 Pages | AZW3 | 6.43 MB Key Features Learn to harness the power of macOS with the elegance of the Swift programming language Become highly competent in building apps on the macOS platform Get the most in-depth guide with a hands-on approach on the latest version of macOS Book Description macOS continues to lead the way in desktop operating systems, with its tight integration across the Apple ecosystem of platforms and devices. With this book, you will get an in-depth knowledge of working on macOS, enabling you to unleash the full potential of the latest version using Swift 3 to build applications. This book will help you broaden your horizons by taking your programming skills to next level. The initial chapters will show you all about the environment that surrounds a developer at the start of a project. It introduces you to the new features that Swift 3 and Xcode 8 offers and also covers the common design patterns that you need to know for planning anything more than trivial projects. You will then learn the advanced Swift programming concepts, including memory management, generics, protocol orientated and functional programming and with this knowledge you will be able to tackle the next several chapters that deal with Apple's own Cocoa frameworks. It also covers AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data in detail which is a part of the Cocoa umbrella framework. The rest of the book will cover the challenges posed by asynchronous programming, error handling, debugging, and many other areas that are an indispensable part of producing software in a professional environment. By the end of this book, you will be well acquainted with Swift, Cocoa, and AppKit, as well as a plethora of other essential tools, and you will be ready to tackle much more complex and advanced software projects. What You Will Learn Combine beautiful design with robust code for the very best user experienc