(guaranteed) bounds on the prediction risk based on VC-theory
have been proposed in [1].
A. Classical Model Selection Criteria
There are two general approaches for estimating prediction
risk for regression problems with finite data. One is based
on data resampling. The other approach is to use analytic
estimates of the prediction risk as a function of the empirical
risk (training error) penalized (adjusted) by some measure of
model complexity. Once an accurate estimate of the prediction
risk is found it can be used for model selection by choosing the
model complexity which minimizes the estimated prediction
risk. In the statistical literature, various prediction risk esti-
mates have been proposed for model selection (in the linear
case). In general, these estimates all take the form of
estimated risk
is a monotonically increasing function of the ratio
of model complexity (degrees of freedom)
and the training
sample size
[6]. The function is often called a penalization
factor because it inflates the average residual sum of squares
for increasingly complex models. The following forms of
have been proposed in the statistical literature:
final prediction error (FPE)
Schwartz’ criterion (SC)
generalized cross-validation (GCV)
Shibata’s model selector (SMS)
All these classical approaches are motivated by asymptotic
arguments for linear models and therefore apply well for large
training sets. In fact, for large
, prediction estimates provided
by FPE, GCV, and SMS are asymptotically equivalent. More-
over, the model selection criteria above are all based on a
parametric philosophy. That is, the goal of model selection is
to select the terms of the approximating function in order to
match the target function (under the assumption that the target
function is contained in a set of linear approximating func-
tions). The sucess of the model selection criteria is measured
according to this philosophy [7], [10], [11], [12]. This classical
approach can be contrasted to the VC-theory approach, where
the goal of model selection is to choose the approximating
function with the lowest prediction risk (irrespective of the
number of terms chosen).
Classical model selection criteria were designed with spe-
cific applications in mind. For example, FPE was originally de-
signed for model identification for autoregressive time series,
and GCV was developed as an estimate for cross-validation
(itself an estimate of prediction risk) in spline smoothing. It
is only SC and SMS which were developed for the generic
problem of regression. Note that application of the minimum
description length (MDL) arguments [13] yields a penalization
factor identical to the Schwartz criterion, though the latter was
derived using Bayesian formulation. A recent model selection
criteria described in [14] has the goal of minimizing prediction
risk for regression.
Typically, the classical criteria are constructed by first defin-
ing the prediction risk in terms of the linear approximating
function. Then, asymptotic arguments are used to develop limit
distributions for various components of the prediction risk,
leading to an asymptotic form of the prediction risk. Finally,
the data, along with estimates of the noise variance are used
to estimate the expected value of the asymptotic prediction
risk. For example the FPE criterion depends on assuming a
gaussian distribution to develop the asymptotic prediction risk.
In addition, FPE depends on an estimate of the noise variance
given by
There are several common assumptions underlying all these
model selection criteria:
1) The target function is linear.
2) The set of linear functions of the learning machine con-
tains the target function. That is, the learning machine
provides an unbiased estimate.
3) The noise is independent and identically distributed.
4) That the empirical risk is minimized.
Additional assumptions reflecting the noise distribution and
limit distributions are also applied in the development of each
selection criterion.
Another popular alternative (to analytic methods) is to
choose model complexity using resampling. In this paper
we consider leave-one-out cross-validation (CV). Under this
approach, the prediction risk is estimated via cross-validation,
and the model providing lowest estimated risk is chosen.
It can be shown [4] that
is asymptotically (for large )
equivalent to analytic model selection criteria (such as FPE,
GCV, and SMS). Unfortunately, the computational cost of
CV grows linearly with the number of samples, and often
becomes prohibitively large for practical applications. Addi-
tional complications arise in the context of using resampling
with nonlinear estimators (such as neural networks), due to
existence of multiple local minima and the dependence of the
final solution (obtained by an optimization algorithm) on the
initial conditions (weight initialization)—see [4]. Nevertheless,
resampling remains the prefered approach for model selection
in many learning methods. In this paper, we use CV as a
benchmark method for comparing various analytic methods.
It can be shown [12] that the above estimates of the pre-
diction risk (excluding SC) are not consistent in the following
sense: The probability of selecting the model with the same
number of terms as the target function does not converge to
one as the number of observations is increased (with fixed
number of maximum basis functions). In addition, resampling
methods for model selection may suffer from the same lack
of consistency. For example, leave-one-out CV which has