
需积分: 5 0 下载量 158 浏览量 更新于2024-01-11 收藏 4.61MB DOCX 举报
The practice exercise in Gamemaker involves creating sprites and objects, as well as designing a room for the game. The exercise begins by creating a sprite with a size of 34x24 and another sprite with a size of 60x300. The larger sprite is created to make the game easier. Since the larger sprite has both a top and a bottom, only one of them is needed for the game. After creating the sprites, the "center" option is selected for them, and then the objects for both sprites are created. One object is created for the player, and another object is created for the pipe. Moving on to creating the room, the "create room" option is clicked. In the room settings, the width of the room is set to 1000. Then, in the object tab, the player and pipe objects are placed in the room. Lastly, the exercise suggests making some improvements to the room's appearance. The instructions are cut off here and do not provide specific details on how to accomplish this. However, based on previous steps, it can be inferred that there might be options to add backgrounds, change colors, or include additional objects to enhance the visuals and make the room visually appealing. In conclusion, this Gamemaker exercise focuses on creating sprites, objects, and a room for a game. It provides step-by-step instructions on creating the required elements and hints at improving the room's visual appearance. While the specific details on enhancing the room's aesthetics are not provided, one can explore various options within Gamemaker's interface to customize the room and make it visually appealing to players.