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Based on the single-chip microcomputer, the design of a digital DC regulated power supply is a prominent area of graduation project research that combines electronic technology and digital control techniques. Traditional DC regulated power supplies often rely on potentiometers for voltage adjustment, leading to poor precision, difficulty in control, large size, complex structures, and frequent voltage fluctuations. By integrating single-chip microcomputer digital control technology into the design, a digital DC regulated power supply with features such as digital display, digital input voltage adjustment, and high voltage regulation accuracy can be developed. Additionally, through software programming, it is easy to expand functionality, meeting the current trends in digital power supply development for higher precision, resolution, dynamic properties, environmental performance, intelligence, reliability, and broader application scope. The design utilizes the AT89S51 microcontroller as the main control chip, controlling the output voltage of the digital-to-analog converter module DAC0832 and amplifying the output through the operational amplifier OPA552. By incorporating four buttons for voltage adjustment and a digital display module, the design achieves a voltage adjustment accuracy of 0.1V per step, with an output voltage range of 0~15V and a maximum current of 200mA. Keywords: digital power supply; AT89S51; DAC0832; OPA552.
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