TPM 2.0命令规范详解

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"TPM-Rev-2.0-Part-3-Commands-01.38.pdf 是 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 规范的一部分,主要聚焦于命令定义。这个文档详细描述了TPM 2.0命令的运作,利用了在TPM 2.0 Part 2中定义的常量、标志、结构体和联合体。文档以C语言的形式编写,并配有详尽的注释,但C代码的行为仅是规范性的,并不能完全描述TPM的行为。TPM 2.0 Part 3 和 TPM 2.0 Part 4 的结合才能充分说明TPM所需的行为。这份文档发布于2016年9月29日,由Trusted Computing Group (TCG) 出版,遵循特定的版权许可和分发条件。" TPM(Trusted Platform Module)是一种安全芯片,用于提供硬件级别的安全性,支持各种加密操作和信任计算平台的初始化。在TPM 2.0规范中,Part 3主要关注的是命令集,这是TPM功能的核心部分。这些命令使得系统能够执行诸如密钥管理、数字签名、安全启动等任务,确保了平台的安全性和完整性。 命令的详细描述采用C语言是为了让开发者能更好地理解和实现这些功能。C语言的描述提供了每个命令的输入参数、输出参数以及命令执行的逻辑流程。然而,需要注意的是,虽然C代码提供了规范性行为,但它并不完全等同于TPM的实际硬件行为,因为实际的TPM实现可能会有硬件层面的差异。 TPM 2.0 Part 2则包含了TPM的基本结构、数据类型、常量和其他基础定义。这部分是理解Part 3中命令的基础,因为它定义了命令使用的各种元素。没有Part 2,Part 3中的命令定义将是不完整的。 此外,文档还提到了版权和许可信息。TCG允许用户在全球范围内复制、创建衍生作品、分发、展示和表演源代码,且无需支付版权费。而对于规范的其他部分,用户可以仅用于基于这些文档开发产品的目的进行复制、分发、展示和表演。 在源代码的再分发中,必须保留原有的版权许可、条件列表以及免责声明,以遵守TCG的版权政策。这意味着任何基于此源代码的修改或扩展都必须遵循相同的开放源码原则。 TPM 2.0 Part 3 为开发者提供了实现TPM功能的关键信息,是构建和设计支持TPM 2.0的系统时不可或缺的技术参考。结合Part 2和Part 4,可以全面理解TPM的预期行为和实现细节。
2016-01-17 上传
A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security is a straight-forward primer for developers. It shows security and TPM concepts, demonstrating their use in real applications that the reader can try out. Simply put, this book is designed to empower and excite the programming community to go out and do cool things with the TPM. The approach is to ramp the reader up quickly and keep their interest.A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0: Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security explains security concepts, describes the TPM 2.0 architecture, and provides code and pseudo-code examples in parallel, from very simple concepts and code to highly complex concepts and pseudo-code. The book includes instructions for the available execution environments and real code examples to get readers up and talking to the TPM quickly. The authors then help the users expand on that with pseudo-code descriptions of useful applications using the TPM. What you’ll learn TPM 2.0 architecture fundamentals, including changes from TPM 1.2 TPM 2.0 security concepts Essential application development techniques A deep dive into the features of TPM 2.0 A primer on the execution environments available for application development. Learn as you go! Who this book is for Application software developers, OS developers, device-driver developers, and embedded-device specialists, who will benefit from mastering TPM 2.0 capabilities and building their own applications quickly. This book will give them the tools they need to experiment with and understand the technology. Software architects who need to understand the security guarantees provided by TPMs Managers who fund the projects that use TPMs. Non-technical users who may want to know why TPMs are on their computers and how to make use of them.