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[Gongshui's Exercise Diary]: Prefix Sum
The [Gongshui's Exercise Diary] is a collection of exercises focused on the topic of prefix sum. The collection is updated approximately every 2-4 weeks, and the latest update was on October 7th, 2021. Readers can stay updated by following the Gongshui's Exercise Diary public account on various platforms such as WeChat, Github, LeetCode, and Zhihu.
To make the most of this collection, the following steps are recommended:
1. Access the exercise directory: The exercises are categorized and can be found in the sidebar under the "prefix sum" category. This directory serves as a guide for finding relevant exercises.
2. Sort by recommendation score: Within each category, exercises are ranked based on their recommendation score. It is advisable to start with exercises with higher recommendation scores as they are deemed more important or valuable.
3. Resolve ties with difficulty: In cases where exercises have the same recommendation score, they are further sorted by difficulty. Starting with easier exercises can help build a strong foundation before moving on to more challenging ones.
4. Refer back to the collection: Once the exercise number is obtained, return to this collection for further assistance. The collection serves as a reference and provides additional resources to help with understanding and solving the exercises.
This collection is designed to facilitate learning and practicing algorithms related to prefix sum. By following the recommended steps and utilizing the resources provided, readers can effectively enhance their understanding and proficiency in this topic.
For more exciting content, please follow the Gongshui's Exercise Diary public account on platforms such as WeChat, Github, LeetCode, and Zhihu. Additional resources and updates can be obtained by messaging "prefix sum" to the account's backend.
💡💡 Happy learning and enjoy the journey of mastering prefix sum through Gongshui's Exercise Diary! 💡💡
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
2022-08-03 上传
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