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"Cassandra The Definitive Guide 是一本由 Eben Hewitt 撰写的关于 Cassandra 的权威指南,由 O'Reilly Media 出版。这本书深入介绍了 Cassandra 这种流行的分布式 NoSQL 数据库系统,旨在帮助读者理解并掌握其核心概念、设计原理以及实际操作技巧。" 在《Cassandra The Definitive Guide》中,作者 Eben Hewitt 详细阐述了 Cassandra 的诸多关键知识点: 1. **NoSQL 背景与优势**:书中首先会介绍 NoSQL 数据库的兴起背景,探讨传统关系型数据库在大数据时代的局限性,以及 Cassandra 如何通过分布式架构、水平扩展和弱一致性提供高性能和高可用性。 2. **Cassandra 架构**:Cassandra 的分布式架构基于 Google 的 Bigtable 和 Amazon 的 Dynamo 设计,强调数据的分区和复制。书中会详细解释如何设置节点、创建集群以及数据分布策略。 3. **数据模型**:Cassandra 采用列族(Column Family)的数据模型,不同于传统的关系表。书中将指导读者理解键值对、超级列和宽行的概念,以及如何设计适合查询模式的数据模型。 4. **CQL(Cassandra Query Language)**:Cassandra 提供了 SQL 风格的查询语言 CQL,简化了数据操作。书中有专门章节讲解 CQL 的语法和用法,包括插入、查询、更新和删除数据等操作。 5. **读写流程**:书中会详细解析 Cassandra 的读写过程,包括一致性级别(Consistency Level)、读修复(Read Repair)和反向索引等机制,帮助读者理解数据的可靠性和一致性控制。 6. **故障恢复与容错**:Cassandra 的高可用性是其一大亮点,书中会讨论节点故障、数据恢复和故障转移的策略,以及如何配置和监控系统的健康状态。 7. **性能调优**:书中提供了大量关于性能优化的建议,包括硬件选择、数据模型优化、索引使用、批处理操作和缓存策略等,帮助读者最大化利用 Cassandra 的性能。 8. **操作与监控**:详细讲解如何部署、升级和管理 Cassandra 集群,以及使用监控工具如 nodetool 和 JMX 来监控系统性能和健康状况。 9. **安全与备份**:书中涵盖了 Cassandra 的安全特性,如认证、授权和加密,以及数据备份和恢复的最佳实践。 10. **高级话题**:除了基础内容,书中的高级章节可能涉及多数据中心部署、时间序列数据处理、TTL(Time To Live)以及使用运维工具如 OpsCenter 的相关内容。 《Cassandra The Definitive Guide》是一本全面覆盖 Cassandra 技术的指南,无论是初学者还是有经验的开发者,都能从中受益,掌握构建和管理大规模分布式数据库系统的关键知识。
2018-04-04 上传
Developers who have done integration work know what a difficult task it can be. IT sys- tems may not have been designed to be accessible from other systems, and if they were designed for interoperability, they may not speak the protocol you need. As a devel- oper, you end up spending a considerable amount of time working with the plumbing of the integration protocols to open up the IT systems to the outside world. In Enterprise Integration Patterns, Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf gave us a standard way to describe, document, and implement complex integration problems. Develop- ers and architects alike can use this common language and catalog of solutions to tackle their integration problems. But although Hohpe and Woolf gave us the theory, the industry still needed an open source implementation of the book. James Strachan, Rob Davies, Guillaume Nodet, and Hiram Chirino, within the open source communities of Apache Active MQ and Apache ServiceMix, brought the idea of Camel to life. Apache Camel is essentially an implementation of the EIP book, and in the summer of 2007 version 1.0 was released. Apache Camel is an integration framework whose main goal is to make integration easier. It implements many of the EIP patterns and allows you to focus on solving busi- ness problems, freeing you from the burden of plumbing. Using connectivity compo- nents has never been easier, because you don’t have to implement JMS message listeners or FTP clients, deal with converting data between protocols, or mess with the raw details of HTTP requests. All of this is taken care of by Camel, which makes media- tion and routing as easy as writing a few lines of Java code or XML in a Spring XML file. Apache Camel has since become very popular and today has an ever-growing com- munity. As with many open source projects that become popular, a logical next step is for someone to write a book about the project. Hadrian Zbarcea, the Project Manage- ment Committee chair of the Apache Camel project, realized this, and in early 2009 he contacted Manning to discuss the need for such a book. Hadrian got in touch with me (Claus Ibsen), inviting me in as a coauthor. It was perfect timing, as I was taking over from James Strachan as the lead on Apache Camel. Later that year, Hadrian had to step down as an author, but he invited Jonathan Anstey in as his replacement, to ensure the project could continue. Jonathan and I are both integration specialists working for FuseSource, which is the professional company that offers enterprise services around various Apache proj- ects. This book is written by the people who wrote the Camel code, which ensures you have the most updated Camel book on the market. Writing this book has been a very intense journey, proven by the fact that we were able to complete the manuscript in a year. It took a long time to implement the exam- ples and to ensure that the accompanying source code is of the highest standard. But the result is a great source of examples that should inspire you to get the best out of Camel, and it should be a good starting point for your Camel projects. While we were writing this book, we were also implementing new features in Camel, which often meant we had to go back and revise the material along the way. But we have kept up, and this book uses the latest Camel release at the time of writing (Camel 2.5). We hope this book brings great value to you and helps you prosper in the Camel community. C LAUS I BSEN