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"验收内容-a manual for writers of research papers theses and dissertations" 本文档详细阐述了纸质档案数字化过程中的各项关键技术与操作规范,旨在确保档案的完整性和可读性,同时保证数字化成果的质量。其中,验收内容是整个过程的关键环节,涉及到图像处理、数据挂接以及数字化成果的移交。 首先,图像处理部分包括图像拼接、旋转及纠偏、裁边和去污等步骤。图像拼接确保多幅分幅扫描的图像能够无缝融合成一幅完整的图像,保持档案的原始完整性。旋转及纠偏则针对扫描后图像的方向问题和偏斜进行校正,以便读者能顺畅阅读。裁边是指在保留足够内容的基础上,去除多余的图像边缘,通常留出2至3毫米的安全边际。去污处理则是消除扫描过程中产生的杂质,但必须遵循保留档案原始特征的原则,避免去除档案本身的痕迹。 接着,数据挂接是将数据库中的目录数据与对应的档案数字图像关联起来,通过软件实现二者的对应关系。这一过程要求逐一检查挂接结果,确保数据的准确性、图像数量的一致性,以及图像能正常打开。 在数字化成果验收与移交阶段,验收方式建议采用计算机自动检验与人工检验相结合,验收内容涵盖数字图像、档案目录数据、元数据、工作文件和存储载体等。验收指标可能涉及图像的完整性、清晰度、顺序正确性以及与原件的一致性。验收合格后,档案将被正式移交给档案部门,完成数字化转化。 此外,文档中还提到了数字化工作的组织与管理,包括机构设置、人员配置、基础设施、工作方案、管理制度、工作流程控制、工作文件管理,以及档案出库、数字化前处理(如扫描页确定、页号编制、目录数据准备、拆除装订和技术修复)、目录数据库建立、档案扫描(如扫描设备选择、色彩模式、分辨率、存储格式和图像命名)等具体步骤。 本标准的修订版强化了组织与管理、数字化前处理和元数据采集等方面的要求,以适应不断发展的信息技术和档案管理需求。这些规定为纸质档案数字化提供了全面的操作指南,确保了档案数字化过程的专业性和合规性。

操作系统代码实现:Number Project Name Content Summary State Type 一、Process Scheduling Algorithm Simulation 1、 Simulate the operation of the round-robin algorithm for process scheduling. 2、 Create at least 15 processes and output their scheduling situation under the scheduling algorithm mentioned above and output it to theterminal to check the execution of the algorithm. 3、 The output should include the arrival time of the processes, the end time, and the average execution time. Essential. General 二、Readers-Writer Problem Implmentation 1、 A data set is shared among several concurrent processes: Readers – only read the data set; they do not perform any updates. Writers – can both read and write. 2、 Problem – allow multiple readers (at most 8) to read at the same time. Only one single writer can access the shared data at the same time. Essential. General 三、Program for Least Recently used Algorithm 1、 Create a page access sequence (page number range 0-18) using a random function. The sequence length is 54 and assume that the number of main memory frames allocated to the thread is 6, that is, M = 6. 2、 Implement the LRU algorithm for page replacement on the above access sequence. 3、 Output the page replacement sequence and the page fault rate. Essential. General Requirements 1、 For each experiment project, submit a design report and code. The code should be implemented in C++. The requirements are as follows: a) The content of the design report should include the design ideas and implementation. b) The results of the design report should include testing and running results (screenshots of screen outputs). c) The conclusion of the design report should summarize the problems encountered, the solutions and experiences during the implementation process.

2023-06-08 上传

优化这段代码 #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <chrono> #include <mutex> #include <semaphore.h> using namespace std; // shared data resource int shared_data = 0; // semaphores for synchronization sem_t mutex, rw_mutex; // number of readers int num_readers = 0; // reader function void reader(int id) { while (true) { // acquire mutex to update the number of readers sem_wait(&mutex); num_readers++; if (num_readers == 1) { // if this is the first reader, acquire the rw_mutex sem_wait(&rw_mutex); } sem_post(&mutex); // read the shared data cout << "Reader " << id << " read shared data: " << shared_data << endl; // release mutex sem_wait(&mutex); num_readers--; if (num_readers == 0) { // if this is the last reader, release the rw_mutex sem_post(&rw_mutex); } sem_post(&mutex); // sleep for a random amount of time this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(rand() % 1000)); } } // writer function void writer(int id) { while (true) { // acquire the rw_mutex sem_wait(&rw_mutex); // write to the shared data shared_data++; cout << "Writer " << id << " wrote to shared data: " << shared_data << endl; // release the rw_mutex sem_post(&rw_mutex); // sleep for a random amount of time this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(rand() % 1000)); } } int main() { // initialize semaphores sem_init(&mutex, 0, 1); sem_init(&rw_mutex, 0, 1); // create reader threads thread readers[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { readers[i] = thread(reader, i); } // create writer threads thread writers[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writers[i] = thread(writer, i); } // join threads for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { readers[i].join(); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writers[i].join(); } // destroy semaphores sem_destroy(&mutex); sem_destroy(&rw_mutex); return 0; }

2023-05-25 上传