Low-Complexity Distributed Beamforming for Relay
Networks With Real-Valued Implementation
Lei Zhang, Wei Liu, Senior Member, IEEE,and JianLi, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—The distributed beamforming problem for amplify-
and-forward relay networks is studied. Maximizing output SNR
(signal-to-noise ratio) for d istributed beamforming can be consid-
ered as a generalized eigenvector problem (GEP) and the prin-
cipal eigenvector and its eigenvalue can be derived with a standard
closed-form solution. In this paper, four classes of beamforming
algorithms are derived based on different design criteria and con-
straints, including maximizing output SNR subject to a constraint
on the total transmitted signal power, minimizing the total trans-
mitted signal power subject to certain level of output S NR, mini-
mizing the relay node number subject to constraints on the total
signal pow er and output SNR, and a robust algorithm to deal with
channel estimation errors. All of the algorithms have a low
putational complexity due to the proposed real-valued implemen-
Index Terms—Distributed beamforming, relay networks, gener-
alized eigenvector problem, robust algorithm.
ISTRIBUTED beamforming (also called collabo rati ve
beamforming ) is a form of cooperative communication
using a relay network consisting of two or more nodes for-
warding the message from a transmitter to an intended receiver
when there is no direct link between them or the link is so
weak that it cannot support the minimum required quality of
service (QoS) [1] –[5]. It can improve th e Q oS when channel
conditions are poor, and the resultant coo per ation diversity
can also provide benefits of increased range and data rate or
improved energy efficiency [1], [6], [7]. In general, distributed
beamforming algorithms are divided into three categories:
amplify-and-forward (AF) [6]–[9], decode-and-forward [10],
[9], and compress-and-forwar d [11], [12]. The AF scheme is
of particular interest and h as been studied extensively due to
its sim plicity in both algorithm and implem ent a tion aspects. I n
this paper we will focus on the AF-based one.
Depending on d ifferent design objectives, constraints and
assumptions, various methods have b een proposed based on
the knowledg e of channel state inform ation (CSI). With the
assumption that the source kn ows the direct link (the channel
between itself and the destination), each relay knows its own
Manuscript received October 24, 2012; revised April 14, 2013 and July 10,
2013; accepted July 15, 2013. Date of publication July 26, 2013; date of current
version September 09, 2013. The associate editor coordinating the review of
this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Pascal Larzabal.
L. Zhang is with the Communication Techn ologies Lab, Huawei Technolo-
gies Co., Ltd., China (e-mail:
W. Liu is with the Communications Research Group, Department of
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, U.K. (e-mail:
J. Li is with the Dep artment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Uni-
versity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32601 USA (e-mail:
gital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2013.2274957
channels and the destinatio n knows all o f the ch annels, the
problem of max imizing output SNR subject to individual power
transmission constraint for both with and witho ut direct link
scenarios was solved in [13]. The distributed beamforming
problem of maximizing output SNR with total and individua l
power constraint s for a three-hop r e lay system was inv est igat ed
in [14]. Instead of maxim izing the ou tpu t S NR, beam forming
schemes based on the minimum mean square error (MMSE)
criterion were studied in [15]–[17]. Based on the second-order
statistics of CSI, two beamforming algorithms, one for m in -
imizing the total transmit power subject to the receiv
er QoS
constraint and the other one for maximizing the recei
ver SNR
subject to two types of power constraints, were prop
osed in
[18]. This work was then extended to two-way commu
systems in [19], and m ultiple peer-to-peer comm
based on a common relay network in [20 ]. Given er
rors in
the dow nlink (from relay nodes to destination
optimization algorithm was deri ved wit
h the consideration that
the uplink (from sou rce to relay nodes)
coefficient could be es-
timated more accurately. Another rob
ust scheme was proposed
in [21] for uplink tran s mission with
each node equipped with
an antenna array.
In this paper, with the knowledge of
instantaneous CSI, we
propose a low-complexity real-va
lued implementation of the
system by introducing a prepro
cessing stage with a set of offset
phase shifts i nto the relay ne
twork. Four problems are then
studied based on this implem
entation. The first one is maxi-
mizing output SNR subject t
o a limit on the to tal transmitted
signal power, which can be
considered as a real-valued general-
ized eigenvector proble
m (GEP) w ith its matrix pair consisting
of a special rank-one
signal correlation matrix and a diagonal
noise correlation m
atrix. The GEP is then transformed into an
eigenvector probl
em (EP), where the principal eigenvector and
its eigenvalue can
be derived with a closed-form solution. The
derivation does n
ot involve any eigen-decomposition operation
and avoids the mo
st time consuming part of the algorithm.
The second prob
lem studied is minimizing power consumption
with a constr
aint on a certain lev e l of output SNR. Its optimum
solution ha
s to satisfy the standard structure of the princip a l
or, with a single unknown parameter solv ed by an
e method. The third problem is based on a new consid-
eration t
hat the free nodes in a network are limited resources,
and some
of them could enter or exit due to their operation
state a
nd their own consideration such as battery status, and
lgorithm for minimizing the relay number subject to
er consumption limit and a certain level of output SNR
is p
roposed. Two solutions are derived by setting different
iorities for t he two constraints. The above three problems
e based on perfect instantaneous CSI for both up and dow n
inks. How ever, there may exist estimation errors for both
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