微软SQL Server Reporting Services高级设计实例

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《Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes》是一本由Paul Turley和Robert M. Bruckner合著的专业指南,专注于Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS)的设计与实践。这本书以深入且详尽的方式探讨了如何设计出高级别的报告,旨在帮助开发人员和专业人士充分利用这一强大的业务智能工具。 本书分为两个主要部分,首先介绍了商业报告的基本理念和原则(第1章),让读者理解在设计报表时应考虑的关键业务目标和用户需求。第2章涵盖了基本的报告设计概念,包括数据源选择、布局设计、控件使用以及如何呈现数据以支持决策制定。 第3章则深入讲解了报告设计的核心要素,包括但不限于数据模型构建、样式定制、数据绑定和交互设计,这些内容对于创建专业且用户友好的报表至关重要。这部分内容对于提升报告的易用性和吸引力有直接指导作用。 随后,书的主体部分——Part I,聚焦于列式和分组报告的设计,这部分是书中的一大亮点。作者详细阐述了如何利用列式布局来展示大量数据,以及如何通过分组功能对数据进行有效组织和分析,使读者能够掌握创建复杂数据透视和汇总报告的技巧。 《Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Recipes》不仅提供了实用的范例和代码示例,还鼓励读者积极参与P2P论坛讨论,分享经验和解决问题。此外,书中还包含了Wrox Online Library的资源链接,访问者可以通过在线图书馆获取数百本相关书籍,以及定期更新的技术资讯和代码片段,确保读者始终跟上技术发展。 如果你是一名SQL Server Reporting Services的使用者或开发者,这本书将是提升技能、优化报告设计和解决实际问题的宝贵参考资料。无论你是新手还是经验丰富的专家,都能从中获得深入理解和实践经验。最后,Wrox出版社还提供了多种联系方式,以便读者提供反馈、参与社区讨论或者寻求进一步的支持。
2016-03-31 上传
SQL Server 2012 Data Integration Recipes provides focused and practical solutions to real world problems of data integration. Need to import data into SQL Server from an outside source? Need to export data and send it to another system? SQL Server 2012 Data Integration Recipes has your back. You'll find solutions for importing from Microsoft Office data stores such as Excel and Access, from text files such as CSV files, from XML, from other database brands such as Oracle and MySQL, and even from other SQL Server databases. You'll learn techniques for managing metadata, transforming data to meet the needs of the target system, handling exceptions and errors, and much more. What DBA or developer isn't faced with the need to move data back and forth? Author Adam Aspin brings 10 years of extensive ETL experience involving SQL Server, and especially satellite products such as Data Transformation Services and SQL Server Integration Services. Extensive coverage is given to Integration Services, Microsoft's flagship tool for data integration in SQL Server environments. Coverage is also given to the broader range of tools such as OPENDATASOURCE, linked servers, OPENROWSET, Migration Assistant for Access, BCP Import, and BULK INSERT just to name a few. If you're looking for a resource to cover data integration and ETL across the gamut of Microsoft's SQL Server toolset, SQL Server 2012 Data Integration Recipes is the one book that will meet your needs. * Provides practical and proven solutions towards creating resilient ETL environments * Clearly answers the tough questions which professionals ask * Goes beyond the tools to a thorough discussion of the underlying techniques * Covers the gamut of data integration, beyond just SSIS * Includes example databases and files to allow readers to test the recipes