xviii Preface
This book began as the notes for a one semester elective course that I teach at
The University of Texas at Austin. The course is taken by many of our incoming
graduate students and is also accessible to advanced undergraduates. A typical
class has approximately thirty to fifty students with a background in electrical or
other engineering.
The slides that I use in teaching this course are available for downloading from
www.cambridge.org/9780521855648. Over two hundred pages of worked solu-
tions to selected exercises are available to instructors. The book can also be used
as a reference for engineers who want to formulate an optimization problem and
apply optimization software to it.
The level of development may appear somewhat formal to a typical first year
engineering graduate student and certainly requires a mathematical background.
Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney [114], together with the
material in the downloadable Appendix A of mathematical preliminaries, provide
such background. Nevertheless, the definitions and proofs have been deliberately
spelled out to make them accessible and provide motivation, even at the expense of
stating the “obvious,” particularly in the early chapters. In the interest of clarity and
of elementary development, many of the theorems are not stated in their sharpest
form, with more general versions cited in the references.
Engineering students often have considerable past experience with tools such
as M
ATLAB [74], but little experience in using optimization packages. Use of
the M
ATLAB Optimization Toolbox [17] in this book builds on typical student
experience and avoids the considerable “start-up costs” of introducing students to
a completely new software package.
I have benefited from extensive feedback from students at The University of
Texas at Austin who have taken this course. Students and graders who have been
particularly helpful with making suggestions, correcting mistakes, and helping
me to improve the presentation include: Seung Jun Baek, Seyeong Choi, Jerome
Froment-Curtil, Philippe Girolami, Sergey Gorinsky, Hyun-moo Kim, Aditya Lele,
Caleb Lo, and Lin Xu. Of course, remaining errors are my own responsibility. If
you come across any errors or have any comments about the material, please send
me email, baldick@mail.utexas.edu, and I will endeavor to improve the presen-
tation for the next edition. I would also like to hear about descriptions of novel
problems that might fit into this framework.
In teaching this material, one of the most delightful comments I have received is
“I finally understand the need for the formal development.” If you are unconvinced
at the beginning, I hope that by the end of the book you are a convert to precise
mathematical descriptions.
Ross Baldick, Austin, Texas, November 2005.