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"PPChecker: Towards Accessing the Trustworthiness of Android Apps' Privacy Policies" 这篇研究论文关注的是Android应用程序的隐私政策可信度评估问题。近年来,随着恶意应用的增长,这些应用常常窃取用户个人信息,引发了用户对隐私风险的担忧。为了解决这些问题并符合数据保护法规,越来越多的应用程序开始提供自然语言编写的隐私政策,旨在帮助用户理解应用的隐私行为。然而,当前对于这些隐私政策是否可信却知之甚少。 作者在论文中提出了一个新颖的方法,即PPChecker,用于自动检测隐私政策中的五类问题。这表明,无论是由于开发者粗心大意还是恶意意图,存在疑问的隐私政策都可能误导或欺骗用户。PPChecker系统的设计和实现克服了若干技术挑战,能有效识别出可疑的隐私政策。 实验结果显示,PPChecker在识别问题隐私政策方面表现出了高效性与准确性。通过分析真实应用程序及其对应的隐私政策,该系统能够准确地发现可能存在的问题,提高了用户对于应用隐私政策的信任度。这五类问题可能包括但不限于:政策内容的模糊不清、政策与实际行为不符、过度收集用户信息、未明确告知数据使用目的以及未提供合理的用户选择和控制机制等。 PPChecker的工作流程可能涉及对政策文本的深度分析,使用自然语言处理(NLP)技术和机器学习算法来理解文本语义,找出潜在的不一致性和矛盾。此外,它可能还会对比应用的行为数据,确保隐私政策中的声明与实际应用的权限请求和数据处理行为相匹配。 该研究对移动应用安全领域具有重要意义,因为它为监管机构、开发者和普通用户提供了一种工具,以评估和提高隐私政策的透明度和合规性。未来,这种技术可能会被整合到应用商店的审核流程中,作为保障用户隐私权益的重要手段。同时,它也为隐私政策的制定者提供了改进的方向,促使他们编写更清晰、更准确且更具可信任性的隐私政策。

Create a function pixel_flip(lst, orig_lst, budget, results, i=0) that uses recursion to generate all possible new unique images from the input orig_lst, following these rules: • The input lst is the current list being processed. Initially, this will be the same as orig_lst which is the original flattened image. • The input budget represents the number of pixels that can still be flipped. When the budget reaches 0, no more pixels can be flipped. • The input results is a list of resulting flattened images with flipped pixels. Initially, this will be an empty list. • The input i represents the index of the pixel being processed, by default set to 0, which is used to drive the recursive function towards its base case (i.e., initially starting from i=0). At termination of the function, the argument results should contain all possibilities of the input orig_lst by only flipping pixels from 0 to 1 under both the budget and the adjacency constraints. fill code at #TODO def pixel_flip(lst: list[int], orig_lst: list[int], budget: int, results: list, i: int = 0) -> None: """ Uses recursion to generate all possibilities of flipped arrays where a pixel was a 0 and there was an adjacent pixel with the value of 1. :param lst: 1D list of integers representing a flattened image . :param orig_lst: 1D list of integers representing the original flattened image. :param budget: Integer representing the number of pixels that can be flipped . :param results: List of 1D lists of integers representing all possibilities of flipped arrays, initially empty. :param i: Integer representing the index of the pixel in question. :return: None. """ #TODO def check_adjacent_for_one(flat_image: list[int], flat_pixel: int) -> bool: """ Checks if a pixel has an adjacent pixel with the value of 1. :param flat_image: 1D list of integers representing a flattened image . :param flat_pixel: Integer representing the index of the pixel in question. :return: Boolean. """ #TODO

2023-05-25 上传

Create a function pixel_flip(lst, orig_lst, budget, results, i=0) that uses recursion to generate all possible new unique images from the input orig_lst, following these rules: • The input lst is the current list being processed. Initially, this will be the same as orig_lst which is the original flattened image. • The input budget represents the number of pixels that can still be flipped. When the budget reaches 0, no more pixels can be flipped. • The input results is a list of resulting flattened images with flipped pixels. Initially, this will be an empty list. • The input i represents the index of the pixel being processed, by default set to 0, which is used to drive the recursive function towards its base case (i.e., initially starting from i=0). At termination of the function, the argument results should contain all possibilities of the input orig_lst by only flipping pixels from 0 to 1 under both the budget and the adjacency constraints. fill code at #TODO def pixel_flip(lst: list[int], orig_lst: list[int], budget: int, results: list, i: int = 0) -> None: """ Uses recursion to generate all possibilities of flipped arrays where a pixel was a 0 and there was an adjacent pixel with the value of 1. :param lst: 1D list of integers representing a flattened image . :param orig_lst: 1D list of integers representing the original flattened image. :param budget: Integer representing the number of pixels that can be flipped . :param results: List of 1D lists of integers representing all possibilities of flipped arrays, initially empty. :param i: Integer representing the index of the pixel in question. :return: None. """ #TODO

2023-05-25 上传