planes (parallel to keel) are the waterlines, while intersections with transverse vertical planes
are called sections. Wireframes are rather incomplete and possibly ambiguous representations
that were superseded by surface models.
1.2.2 Surface modeling
Surface modeling techniques, developed in the late 1960’s, go one step further than wireframe
representations by also providing mathematical descriptions of the shape of the surfaces of
objects, as shown in Figure 1.3.
Surface modeling techniques allow graphic display and numerical control machining of care-
fully constructed models, but usually offer few integrity checking features (e.g. closed volumes).
The surfaces are not necessarily properly connected and there is no explicit connectivity infor-
mation stored. These techniques are still used in areas where only the visual display is required,
e.g. flight simulators.
1.2.3 Solid modeling
Solid modeling, first introduced in the early 1970’s, explicitly or implicitly contains information
about the closure and connectivity of the volumes of solid shapes. Solid modeling offers a
number of advantages over previous wireframe and surface modeling techniques. In principle,
it guarantees closed and bounded objects and provides a fairly complete description of an object
modelled as a rigid solid in 3D space [7, 6, 8].
Figure 1.4 illustrates that for a boundary based solid model of a single homogeneous object,
every surface boundary is always directly adjacent to one other surface boundary, guaranteeing
a closed volume. Solid models, unlike surface models, enable a modeling system to distinguish
the outside of a volume from the inside. This capability, in turn, allows integral property
analysis for the determination of volume, center of volume or gravity, moments of inertia, etc.
An example is Baumgart’s winged edge data structure [1, 2], where every edge has a start
and end point, a face on either side, and at least two edges from each vertex bounding the
faces. This information can be put in tabular form (perhaps using a relational database) or in
a graph like data structure and used to ensure adjacency.
Typical solid modeling systems also offer tools for the creation and manipulation of complete
solid shapes, while maintaining the integrity of the representations.
Solid modeling techniques exclude the two previous modeling forms (wireframe and surface
modeling). The reason is that the solid modeling forms are traditionally constrained to work
only with two-manifold solids.
In a two-manifold solid representation, every point on the surface has a neighborhood on
the surface which is topologically equivalent to a two-dimensional disk. In other words, even
though the surface exists in three dimensional space, it is topologically flat when the surface is
examined closely in a small enough area around any given point, as illustrated by the cube in
Figure 1.5.
1.2.4 Non-two-manifold modeling
Non-two-manifold modeling [1, 9, 5, 10] is a new modeling form which removes constraints
associated with two-manifold solid modeling forms by embodying all of the capabilities of
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.
Figure 1.2: Wire frame model of a ship hull.