
0 下载量 141 浏览量 更新于2024-02-28 收藏 1.48MB DOC 举报
The WeChat platform has an enormous user base and its small program feature has gained increasing popularity due to its low development and usage costs. With the growing attention to personal health issues as people's economic conditions improve, there is a vast potential for developing a simple and convenient health monitoring WeChat small program which can effectively monitor health and record body data. This system is based on WeChat small program and developed using the WeChat developer tool. It utilizes Mysql database to handle data and is supported by the Apache Tomcat server, making it a comprehensive health monitoring system for WeChat small program. This system is developed based on the principles of software development for small programs, providing users with a more user-friendly and convenient health monitoring system. Through practical application and testing, the principles and methods described in this paper are able to meet the functional requirements of the design. Key words: B/S, database, management system, JAVA, JSP, Web, MySQL, Hibernate.