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Computer Architecture is a complex field that involves the study and design of computer systems. In the course "Computer Architecture(Spring 2016)Mid-term Review" at the College of Computer Science at Chongqing University, students are introduced to various concepts and techniques used in evaluating and designing computer architectures.
One of the key aspects of computer architecture is the quantitative approach, which involves evaluating a computer architecture based on parameters such as energy and power consumption, cost, and performance metrics like latency and throughput. Students are taught how to calculate speedup, which is a measure of how much faster a system can execute a program compared to a reference system. Amdahl's Law, which quantifies the impact of parallelization on system performance, is also discussed in the course.
Another important topic covered in the course is pipeline architecture. Students learn about different instruction types, addressing modes, instruction formats, and encoding techniques used in computer systems. The concept of pipeline processing, where instructions are divided into multiple stages for parallel execution, is also explored. The course covers the five basic pipeline stages: fetch, decode, execute, memory, and write-back.
Overall, the course provides students with a solid foundation in computer architecture, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate, design, and optimize computer systems for improved efficiency and performance. Through a combination of theoretical concepts and practical exercises, students gain a deep understanding of the fundamental principles that underpin modern computing technologies. By mastering these concepts, students are able to contribute to the advancement of computer architecture and make valuable contributions to the field of computer science.
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