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"Effective-Python-Development-for-Biologists.pdf" 是一本专为生物学家和生物信息学家设计的Python编程指南。随着Python在科学研究中的广泛应用,尤其是生物学领域,这本书旨在帮助初学者掌握如何更高效地开发Python代码,编写出可靠且性能优越的程序。作者马丁·琼斯博士,一位具有生物学背景的编程教育专家,强调了在实际科研工作中常见的问题解决策略: 1. 提升效率:学习如何利用适合科学工作的开发环境,以优化编程过程。这包括理解不同工具的选择和其特定优势。 2. 组织与共享代码:介绍Python模块和包系统,教导如何跨项目重用代码,并教授代码分享的方法,无论是对同事还是整个科研社区。 3. 测试与可靠性:探讨自动化测试的重要性,如何通过测试预防错误,以及如何自信地进行代码编辑,确保结果的准确性。 4. 性能优化:教授如何处理大型数据集时提高代码运行速度,理解代码的可扩展性,以及在设计过程中权衡性能与复杂度的决策。 5. 用户界面设计:学习如何创建用户友好的界面,如何利用Python的logging系统进行记录和自动化管理工作流程。 本书的版权信息表明,未经出版商许可,禁止任何形式的复制或使用。它提供了ISBN-13:978-1539103035和ISBN-10:153910303X两个版本,并建议读者访问网站<http://pythonforbiologists.com>获取更多资源。作者马丁·琼斯博士的背景涵盖了从Perl学习到博士期间的进化生物学研究,再到教学和作为全职自由职业者为生物研究人员提供编程课程。他的著作还包括《Python for Biologists》和《Advanced Python for Biologists》,表明他在该领域的深度和广度。想要联系马丁,可以发邮件至martin@pythonforbiologists.com。
2018-06-25 上传
Python is rapidly becoming the standard language for many talks in scientific research, and is particularly popular in biology and bioinformatics. One of the great strengths of Python is the ecosystem of tools and libraries that have grown up around it. This book introduces the novice biologist programmer to tools and techniques that make developing Python code easier and faster and will help you to write more reliable, performant programs. Written by a biologist, it focusses on solving the problems that students and researchers encounter every day: How do I make my program run faster? How can I be sure that my results are correct? How do I share this program with my colleagues? How can I speed up the process of writing my code? Chapters include: Environments for development - learn how you can take advantage of different tools for actually writing code, including those designed specifically for scientific work. Organising and sharing code - learn how Python's module and packaging system works, how to effectively reuse code across multiple projects, and how to share your programs with colleagues and the wider world. Testing - learn how automated testing can make your code more reliable, how to catch bugs before they impact your work, and how to edit code with confidence. Performance - learn how to make your code run quickly even on large datasets, how to understand the scaling behaviour of your code, and explore the trade offs involved in designing code. User interfaces - learn how to make your code more user friendly, how to design effective interfaces, and how to automate record-keeping with Python's logging system. About the author Martin started his programming career by learning Perl during the course of his PhD in evolutionary biology, and started teaching other people to program soon after. Since then he has taught introductory programming to hundreds of biologists, from undergraduates to PIs, and has maintained a philosophy that programming courses must be friendly, approachable, and practical. In his academic career, Martin mixed research and teaching at the University of Edinburgh, culminating in a two year stint as Lecturer in Bioinformatics. He now runs programming courses for biological researchers as a full time freelancer. Praise for Martin's previous books "Great, great book. I think this is the perfect book for any biologist to who wants to start learning to code with Python... I didn't know a command-line from a hole in the ground when I first opened up this book, and mere days later I was impressing my colleagues with my own DNA analysis programs." "Zero to writing useful programs in a weekend... Python for Biologists arrived last Thursday, 6/16/16, I spent the whole weekend glued to my laptop in a 2 1/2 day frenzy of coding, and I just finished it -- and came on Amazon to order the next one!" "One of the BEST coding books I've used in a long time. Direct applications in bioinformatics. I bought the advanced python book too." "The most useful guide to Python I've found...I've tried a few Python books, and this is by far the best for me."