DirectX 11 游戏编程入门指南:Wendy Jones 解析实战教程

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《DirectX 11游戏编程入门:基础教程》由美国作者Wendy Jones所著,是专为初学者设计的一本深入浅出的教材,属于Cengage Learning出版的CourseTechnology PTR系列。本书旨在引导读者探索DirectX 11(DX11),这是一种广泛应用于高质量3D图形渲染和游戏开发的图形接口技术。 在本书中,Allen Sherrod与Wendy Jones共同合作,将理论与实践相结合,通过丰富的案例和实例,帮助读者理解DirectX 11的核心概念,如顶点着色器、几何变换、纹理处理、光照模型、阴影和反射等。它适合那些对游戏开发感兴趣,尤其是想要利用最新图形技术提升游戏性能的程序员。 书中涵盖了DX11编程的基础知识,包括设置开发环境、使用Direct3D API进行编程、优化图形性能以及利用DXGI、D3D11设备对象和管线系统。此外,还介绍了如何处理多线程、内存管理以及与硬件交互的最佳实践。 对于学习者来说,书中提供的不仅仅是技术指导,还包括了版本控制、调试技巧和团队协作等软件工程方面的知识,以确保项目顺利进行。此外,作者在每个章节后都提供了习题和练习,帮助读者巩固所学,并逐步提升实际操作能力。 版权信息方面,本书受版权保护,未经许可,不得以任何形式复制、传播或存储。封面设计由Mike Tanamachi负责,内部布局技术由MPS Limited完成,而Valerie Haynes Perry担任索引工作,Gene Redding则负责校对,确保内容准确无误。 《 Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming》是一本全面且实用的指南,对于希望进入游戏开发领域,特别是追求高画质效果的开发者来说,是不可或缺的学习资源。无论你是经验丰富的专业人员还是初出茅庐的入门者,都能从中受益匪浅。

38.He took his umbrella ______ it should rain.(2分) A in case of B in case C for fear D in time 39.Not until this term ( ) to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.(2分) A he began B did he begin C he has begun D that he has begun 40.Great changes ______ in Shanghai since the beginning of the reform and opening-up policy.(2分) A took place B has taken place C has been taken place D have taken place 41.The larger the house is, ______.(2分) A the higher rent it is B the higher rent it would have C the higher the rent is D the higher rent it would be 42.Every time Jane has trouble ______ her car started, Sean will show up to lend a hand.(2分) A get B getting C to getting D to get44.Some bookshelves have been moved out of this office to make ______ for more computers.(2分) A space B place C room D position46. Wendy: Have you been to the new bakery on the corner? Arthur: NO, how is it? Wendy: It is heaven!________! (2分) A Their cakes are to strive for B Their cakes are to pay for C Their cakes are to struggle for D Their cakes are to die for 47.Dr. Jones, many students want to see you.( ) they wait here or outside?(2分) A Do B Will C Shall D Would 48.( ) who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list. (2分) A Those B These C Somebody D The ones 49. Kate: Do you mind opening the door for me? Bob: _________. (2分) A It’s nothing B That’s all right C Yes, I’ll do it D Not at all 50.They first stop at a board _____ the menu is displayed.(2分) A when B while C where D which

2023-06-12 上传