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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TETC.2016.2633228, IEEE
Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing
Ambusaidi et al. in [33] proposed a mutual information based
IDS that selects optimal feature for classification based on
feature selection algorithm. Their approach was evaluated using
three benchmark data set (KDD Cup 99, NSL-KDD and Kyoto
Intrusion detection systems have also been used for
managing security risks in industrial control systems [14]. For
example, Pan et al. [34] proposed a systematic and automated
approach to build a hybrid IDS that learns temporal state-based
specifications for electric power systems to accurately
differentiate between disturbances, normal control operations,
and cyber-attacks. Zhou et al. [35] presented an industrial
anomaly and multi model driven IDS based on Hidden Markov
Model to filter attacks from actual faults.
Security issues can be a barrier to widespread adoption of IoT
devices [36]. Whitmore et al., [37] showed that wide range of
techniques could mitigate cyber threat targeting IoT systems.
Ning et al. [38] proposed a hierarchical authentication
architecture to provide anonymous data transmission in IoT
networks. Cao et al. [39] highlighted the impact and
importance of ghost attacks on ZigBee based IoT devices. Chen
et al. [40] proposed an autonomic model-driven cyber security
management approach for IoT systems, which can be used to
estimate, detect, and respond to cyberattacks with little or no
human intervention. Teixeira et al. [41] proposed a scheme for
thwarting insiders attacks in IoT networks by crosschecking
data transformation of every IoT node.
The proposed model comprises a dimension reduction module
and a classification module, to be discussed in sections III.A
and III.B, respectively.
Fig 2. In PCA, linear transformation is used to reduce high dimension dataset
to a low dimension dataset
A. Dimension Reduction Module
The dimension reduction module is deployed to address
limitations due to dimensionality that may lead to making
wrong decisions while increasing computational complexity of
the classifier. We deployed both Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA) (i.e. a supervised dimension reduction technique) and
Principal Component Analysis (i.e. an unsupervised dimension
reduction technique) in order to address the high dimensionality
issue. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be used to
perform feature selection and extraction [42]:
a) Feature selection: choose a subset of all features based
on their effectiveness in higher classification (i.e.
choosing more informative features)
b) Feature extraction: create a subset of new features by
combining existing features.
In TDTC, we used PCA as a feature extraction mechanism to
map the NSL-KDD dataset, which consists of 41 features to one
with a lower feature space by removing less significant features.
Feature extraction technique is commonly limited to linear
transforms: as shown in in Figure 2.
Let X be an N-dimensional random vector in the original
dataset, and the new feature space consists of lower M-
dimensions (M is the number of new dataset features that are
transformed) where ( ). For the transformation operation,
we will need to compute Eq. 1 to Eq.3:
Covariance matrix:
, (Eq.1)
Where m (mean vector) is:
Eigenvector-eigenvalue decomposition:
Where v=Eigenvector =Eigenvalue (Eq.3)
PCA will then sort the eigenvectors in descending order. In
other words, eigenvectors with lower eigenvalues have the least
information about the distribution of the data and these are the
eigenvectors we wish to drop. A common approach is to rank
the eigenvectors from the highest to the lowest eigenvalue and
choose the top eigenvectors based on eigenvalues. Similarly,
in TDTC, one may decide which eigenvalues are more useful;
thus, the ideal feature mapping matrix can be concluded and
used for linear transformation of training and test dataset.
At this layer of dimension reduction, Imbedded Error
Function (IEF) factor analysis measure [43] is used to select the
principal [44] as shown in Eq.4, where l, m denotes the number
of Principal Components (PCs). Both l and m are used to
represent the data and number of dimension, respectively. N
and denote the number of samples and Eigenvalues,
(E q.4)
Cross Validation (CV) is used to evaluate optimum principals
with minimum errors as shown in Figure 3. Applying selection
criteria would reduce some features and help the next layer of
dimension reduction module to compute lower dimension
matrix and spreadable objects.