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"协方差的意义,PCA主成分分析" 协方差是统计学中衡量两个随机变量之间线性关系强度和方向的指标。它描述了这两个变量如何一起变化。如果两个变量的变化趋势一致,也就是说,如果其中一个高于自身的期望值,另一个也高于其期望值,那么它们的协方差就是正的。相反,如果一个变量比期望值高时另一个变量比期望值低,它们的协方差就是负的。协方差的大小则反映了这种线性关系的强弱。 协方差矩阵将多个随机变量的协方差组织在一个矩阵中,每一项Cij表示随机变量Xi和Xj的协方差。矩阵的对角线元素Cii实际上是每个变量的方差,即该变量自身的离散程度。非对角线元素Cij则反映了不同变量之间的相互关系。 协方差矩阵在数据分析和机器学习中有广泛应用,尤其是在主成分分析(PCA)中。PCA是一种降维技术,通过旋转数据使得新的坐标轴按照数据方差的大小进行排序,从而找出数据的主要特征方向。协方差矩阵经过特征值分解或奇异值分解后,可以找到一组新的正交基,这组基就是主成分。主成分具有以下性质: 1. 第一个主成分拥有最大的方差,代表了原始数据最多的信息。 2. 后续的主成分依次具有次大的方差,且与前面的主成分正交,即它们代表的数据信息互不重叠。 3. 通过保留具有足够大方差的前几个主成分,可以有效地降低数据的维度,同时保留大部分原始信息。 协方差矩阵的对角化(所有非对角线元素为零)意味着各个变量间没有线性关联,各主成分相互独立。在某些应用中,如图像处理或模式识别,我们可能希望消除变量间的相关性,减少冗余信息,以提高模型的效率和性能。 需要注意的是,协方差矩阵是由样本计算出来的,因此它是基于观测数据的估计,并随样本数量的增加而更加稳定。此外,为了更好地理解变量间的相对强度,我们有时会用相关系数矩阵来标准化协方差矩阵,使其值在-1到1之间,这样更容易直观地比较不同变量之间的相关性。 总结来说,协方差及其矩阵在理解和探索多变量数据集的结构和关系时起着关键作用。通过主成分分析,我们可以从高维数据中提取主要特征,降低复杂度,便于后续的分析和建模。在实际应用中,如人脸识别、图像压缩、金融风险管理等领域,协方差和PCA都是不可或缺的工具。
2017-08-11 上传
Python Natural Language Processing by Jalaj Thanaki English | 31 July 2017 | ISBN: 1787121429 | ASIN: B072B8YWCJ | 486 Pages | AZW3 | 11.02 MB Key Features Implement Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques for efficient natural language processing Get started with NLTK and implement NLP in your applications with ease Understand and interpret human languages with the power of text analysis via Python Book Description This book starts off by laying the foundation for Natural Language Processing and why Python is one of the best options to build an NLP-based expert system with advantages such as Community support, availability of frameworks and so on. Later it gives you a better understanding of available free forms of corpus and different types of dataset. After this, you will know how to choose a dataset for natural language processing applications and find the right NLP techniques to process sentences in datasets and understand their structure. You will also learn how to tokenize different parts of sentences and ways to analyze them. During the course of the book, you will explore the semantic as well as syntactic analysis of text. You will understand how to solve various ambiguities in processing human language and will come across various scenarios while performing text analysis. You will learn the very basics of getting the environment ready for natural language processing, move on to the initial setup, and then quickly understand sentences and language parts. You will learn the power of Machine Learning and Deep Learning to extract information from text data. By the end of the book, you will have a clear understanding of natural language processing and will have worked on multiple examples that implement NLP in the real world. What you will learn Focus on Python programming paradigms, which are used to develop NLP applications Understand corpus analysis and different types of data attribute. Learn NLP using Python libraries such as NLTK, Polyglot,