
0 下载量 3 浏览量 更新于2024-03-08 收藏 1.22MB DOCX 举报
As the rapid development of Chinese industry continues, the issue of SO2 pollution has become a pressing environmental concern. To address this problem, various industries have adopted different desulfurization techniques to control SO2 emissions. In order to better desulfurize flue gas, this paper analyzes the limestone/gypsum flue gas desulfurization process and proposes a monitoring system design scheme based on SIEMENS PLC and HMI. The system consists of four parts: limestone slurry preparation system, flue gas system, absorption system, and gypsum dewatering system. By utilizing the PID control algorithm built into SIEMENS PLC, the system achieves control over the pH value and concentration of the slurry in the absorption system, as well as the liquid level and concentration in the slurry preparation system. It also controls the opening angle of the booster fan in the flue gas system and the speed of the gypsum dewatering system, ultimately achieving comprehensive control over the flue gas desulfurization system to control SO2 emissions. The results of debugging show that the system operates reliably, achieving control over the flue gas desulfurization system and meeting the expected effectiveness. In summary, the PLC-based monitoring system for FGD process effectively controls SO2 emissions and represents a significant step forward in addressing environmental concerns.