ETSI TR 102 691 V1.1.1 (2010
The proposed list of 6 main "Additional Functionalities" are expressed in broad terms, so that they can be related to
electricity, gas, heating/cooling (hereafter 'heat') and water. However, not all use cases listed in clause 5.2 have to be
derived from these "Additional Functionalities".
F1 Remote reading of metrological register(s) and provision to designated market organisation(s)
General definition:
Metering system capability to provide at a distance the designated market organisation(s) with the value of the
meter register(s) through a standard interface at a pre-defined time schedule or on request.
a) Meter readings and other metrological data recorded at the customer's premises, which are made available to
designated market organisation(s) at a pre-defined time schedule and on request.
b) Includes export metering (i.e. provision of consumption and injection data and on net flows exported).
F2 Two-way communication between the metering system and designated market organisation(s)
General definition:
Capability of the metering system to retrieve at a distance data on e.g. usage, network and supply quality, events,
network or meter status and non-metrological data and to make this data available to the designated market
Ability of the designated market organisation(s) to configure the metering system at a distance and to carry out
firmware/software upgrades.
Ability of the metering system to receive information - for example information sent from the Energy Services
Provider (and/or via relevant third parties e.g. distribution system operator or metering operator) to the end user
a) Metering system to designated market organisation(s)
Uploading of data and information to permit e.g. monitoring of supply quality, outages (electricity), network
leakage detection (water)
and identification of possible meter malfunction
- tamper and fraud detection
- diagnostics (mainly for electronic components)
- meter/metering system status (e.g. battery condition credit/prepayment mode)
Also identification of incorrectly sized or blocked meters (water).
b) Designated market organisation(s) to metering system
Downloading data to metering system to enable e.g.:
- remote configuration of the meter or parameters used by the meter/metering system
- clock synchronisation
- software and firmware updates
c) Designated market organisation(s) to customer i.e. where messages/information shown on metering system.
Ability of the metering system to receive messages from designated market organisation(s), both standard and ad
hoc, e.g. on planned interruptions, messages on price changes)
and to receive information (incl. account information).
F3 Meter supporting advanced tariffing and payment systems
General definition:
Support for payment systems:
Capability of the metering system to allow the customer to prepay for usage by suitable payment means, to connect
a supply and disconnect it after a predetermined consumption or certain time duration.
Support for tariffing:
Metering system provided with multiple rate registers for consumption (and where applicable) injection to allow
e.g. for time of use tariffs, critical peak, real-time pricing or combinations of these.
a) Prepayment
Metering system to support prepayment (and other payment) options
May also permit credit/prepayment switching
b) Multiple rate tariffs
Use of multiple registers within meter or recording of interval reads