使用Hibernate Search增强企业搜索功能

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"Hibernate Search in Action (Manning 2009)" 是一本专为Java开发者编写的实战指南,详细介绍了如何在Hibernate基础上利用Hibernate Search和Apache Lucene实现企业级的全文搜索功能。 本书深入浅出地探讨了Hibernate Search的核心概念和技术,适合那些对Hibernate Core有一定了解的读者。作为首部专门讨论Hibernate Search的著作,它引领读者逐步构建Java应用中的全文搜索功能,消除了其他搜索引擎在实施时可能遇到的基础设施代码需求。通过学习这本书,开发者可以快速地为他们的应用程序添加强大且易于维护的搜索特性。 作者Emmanuel Bernard和John Griffin详细介绍了如何利用Hibernate Search解决诸如保持索引更新、处理领域模型与索引结构不匹配、管理查询冲突等问题。书中不仅覆盖了基础的搜索技术,还对Lucene的查询能力进行了详尽的回顾。此外,对于高级主题如搜索集群,本书也提供了实用的实践指导。 对于使用Hibernate或JBoss Seam的开发者来说,这是一本不可或缺的参考书籍,可以帮助他们在应用中添加或改进搜索功能。书中不仅提供了一系列实际操作的示例,还强调了如何在实际项目中有效应用这些技术,以实现高效、智能的搜索解决方案。 总结出的关键知识点包括: 1. **Hibernate Search**:它是基于Hibernate Core和Apache Lucene的企业级搜索工具,简化了在Java应用中实现全文搜索的复杂性。 2. **全文搜索功能**:本书详细阐述了如何在Java应用中设置和使用全文搜索,帮助开发者快速集成高级搜索特性。 3. **索引管理**:讨论了保持索引与数据库同步的方法,以及处理索引结构与领域模型差异的策略。 4. **查询处理**:涵盖了Lucene的查询能力,帮助读者理解并构建复杂的查询表达式。 5. **搜索集群**:介绍了如何实现搜索服务的高可用性和扩展性,确保大规模应用下的搜索性能。 6. **实战导向**:书中的例子和实践指南让读者能够将理论知识转化为实际操作,提高问题解决能力。 7. **Hibernate和Lucene结合**:阐述了如何结合这两项技术以提升搜索效率,以及在使用过程中需要注意的问题。 对于想要增强Java应用搜索功能的开发者来说,"Hibernate Search in Action" 提供了全面而实用的指导,是不可多得的技术资源。
2010-12-07 上传
Product Description Enterprise and web applications require full-featured, "Google-quality" search capabilities, but such features are notoriously difficult to implement and maintain. Hibernate Search builds on the Lucene feature set and offers an easyto- implement interface that integrates seamlessly with Hibernate-the leading data persistence solution for Java applications. Hibernate Search in Action introduces both the principles of enterprise search and the implementation details a Java developer will need to use Hibernate Search effectively. This book blends the insights of the Hibernate Search lead developer with the practical techniques required to index and manipulate data, assemble and execute search queries, and create smart filters for better search results. Along the way, the reader masters performance-boosting concepts like using Hibernate Search in a clustered environment and integrating with the features already in your applications. This book assumes you're a competent Java developer with some experience using Hibernate and Lucene. About the Author Emmanuel Bernard joined the Hibernate team in 2003 and is now the lead developer of Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager, two key projects on top of the Hibernate core implementing the Java Persistence specification. He has also led the Hibernate Search project from its inception, reconciling the two fields. Emmanuel has been involved in ORM and Full Text search and is a regular speaker at various conferences and JUGs, including JavaOne, JBoss World, and Javapolis (Javoxx). He is also involved in the Java Community Process as a specification lead for JSR 303 (Bean Validation) and as an expert group member for JSR 317 (Java Persistence 2.0). # Paperback: 450 pages # Publisher: Manning Publications; 1 edition (December 30, 2008) # Language: English # ISBN-10: 1933988649 # ISBN-13: 978-1933988641 # Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 1.1 inches