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"《通过Minecraft插件学习编程》(英文原版)是一本由Andy Hunt编著并由Brian P. Hogan编辑的实用教程,专注于使用Python语言进行Minecraft游戏开发。这本书的独特之处在于它以一种直观且易于理解的方式教授编程基础知识,即使是没有编程经验的读者也能快速上手。作者巧妙地将复杂的编程概念融入到一个充满趣味的3D游戏环境中,使学习过程变得轻松愉快。 该书的特点在于其"编程教育中的爆炸性体验",比如书中提到的箭矢特效,让读者在实际项目中感受到编程的魅力。通过制作Minecraft服务器插件,学习者能够逐步掌握Python编程技巧,这对于初学者来说是一次极好的实践机会。 Linux系统架构师Carl Cravens赞赏本书,认为它非常适合新入门的程序员,还强调了它在父与子之间建立深厚关系的纽带作用。作为一名父亲和12岁的孩子Mel Riffe以及他的儿子Noah Riffe,他们表示这本书既深入浅出又易于接受,无论年龄大小都能从中受益。 44岁的David Bock也给出了高度评价,他正在利用这本书学习基础的Bash和Java,指出这本书在教学方法上与众不同,避免了传统教材过于复杂的问题。对于他来说,能在运行服务器的同时进行Minecraft模组开发,使得学习过程变得更有趣且富有挑战。 13岁的Jack H.分享了他的学习经历,特别喜欢通过制作服务器插件来提升自己的技能,这表明本书不仅适合理论学习,也鼓励动手实践。总体来说,《通过Minecraft插件学习编程》提供了一种新颖、互动且寓教于乐的编程学习路径,尤其适合那些希望通过游戏环境探索编程世界的人们。"
2014-04-01 上传
Book Description Scratch is a fun, free, beginner-friendly programming environment where you connect blocks of code to build programs. While most famously used to introduce kids to programming, Scratch can make computer science approachable for people of any age. Rather than type countless lines of code in a cryptic programming language, why not use colorful command blocks and cartoon sprites to create powerful scripts? In Learn to Program with Scratch, author Majed Marji uses Scratch to explain the concepts essential to solving real-world programming problems. The labeled, color-coded blocks plainly show each logical step in a given script, and with a single click, you can even test any part of your script to check your logic. You’ll learn how to: Harness the power of repeat loops and recursion Use if/else statements and logical operators to make decisions Store data in variables and lists to use later in your program Read, store, and manipulate user input Implement key computer science algorithms like a linear search and bubble sort Hands-on projects will challenge you to create an Ohm’s law simulator, draw intricate patterns, program sprites to mimic line-following robots, create arcade-style games, and more! Each chapter is packed with detailed explanations, annotated illustrations, guided examples, lots of color, and plenty of exercises to help the lessons stick. Learn to Program with Scratch is the perfect place to start your computer science journey, painlessly. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Motion and Drawing Chapter 3. Looks and Sound Chapter 4. Procedures Chapter 5. Variables Chapter 6. Making Decisions Chapter 7. Repetition: Definite and Indefinite Loops Chapter 8. String Processing Chapter 9. Lists Book Details Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: No Starch Press (February 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593275439 ISBN-13: 978-1593275433