engineering and physics, I hope that colleagues working in radar research and
development or in a related industry may also benefit from the book. Numerical
or experimental examples in Matlab technical language are provided for the
presented algorithms with the aim of improving the understanding of the
algorithms by the reader.
The organization of the book is as follows. In the first chapter, an overview
of Fourier theory, which plays an important and crucial role in radar imaging,
is presented to provide a fair knowledge of Fourier-based signal processing
basics. Noting that the ISAR imaging can also be treated as a signal processing
tool, an understanding of signal processing and Fourier theory will be required
to get the full benefit from the chapters within the book. The next chapter is
devoted to radar fundamentals. Since ISAR itself is a radar, the key parame-
ters of the radar concept that is related to ISAR research are revisited. These
include electromagnetic scattering, radar cross section, the radar equation, and
the radar waveforms. Then, before stepping into inverse problem of ISAR, the
forward problem of SAR is reviewed in Chapter 3. SAR and ISAR provide
dual problems and share dual algorithms with similar difficulties. Therefore,
understanding the ISAR imagery could not be complete without understand-
ing the SAR concepts. In the SAR chapter, therefore, important concepts of
SAR such as resolution, pulse compression, and image formation are given
together with associated Matlab codes. Furthermore, some advanced concepts
and trends in SAR imaging are also presented.
After providing the fundamentals for SAR imaging, we provide the detailed
imaging procedure for conventional ISAR imaging and the basic ISAR con-
cepts with associated Matlab codes in Chapter 4. The topics include range
profile concept, range/cross-range resolutions, small-angle small-bandwidth
ISAR imaging, large-angle wide-bandwidth ISAR imaging, polar reformatting,
and three-dimensional ISAR imaging. In Chapter 5, we provide some design
aspects that are used to improve the quality of the ISAR image. Down sam-
pling/up sampling, image aliasing, point spread function and smoothing are
covered in this chapter. Several imaging tricks and fine-tuning procedures such
as zero-padding and windowing that are used for enhancing the image quality
are also presented.
In Chapter 6, range-Doppler ISAR image processing is given in detail.
ISAR waveforms, ISAR receiver for these waveforms, quadrature detection,
Doppler shift phenomena, and range-Doppler ISAR imaging algorithms are
presented. The design examples with Matlab codes are also provided. In
Chapter 7, scattering center representation, which has proven to be a sparse
but an effective model of ISAR imaging, is presented. We provide algorithms
to reconstruct both the image and the field data from the scattering centers
with good fidelity. In Chapter 8, motion compensation (MOCOMP), one
of the most important and challenging problems of ISAR imagery, is
taken up in detail. The concepts include Doppler effect due to target motion,
translational and motion compensation routines, range tracking, and Doppler
tracking subjects. Algorithms and numerical examples with Matlab codes are