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《Linux下的C++编程指南》是一本适合初学者入门的书籍,主要针对Linux环境下的C++编程进行了详尽的介绍。该书由AlDev(Alavoor Vasudevan)编著,提供了丰富的内容,包括但不限于: 1. **简介**:对比了C++与Java的区别,帮助读者理解C++的特点和优势,以及在选择编程语言时可能面临的考量,如C++、Ada 95、C或Java之间的权衡。 2. **字符串类多样性**:探讨了C++中的字符串处理,包括不同类型的字符串类,以及如何信任AlDev提供的String类,并给出了其使用方法。此外,还介绍了String.h文件的使用和String类的重命名。 3. **内存管理**:涉及指针在C++中的问题,以及如何使用自定义的内存分配和释放函数(my_malloc和my_free),以及调试文件的使用。 4. **Java-like API**:介绍了类似Java的API接口设计,这对于熟悉Java的开发者来说是个有用的补充。 5. **集成开发环境(IDE)工具**:推荐了一些适用于C++的开发工具,帮助优化编程流程和提高效率。 6. **在线资源**:提供了丰富的在线学习材料,如C++的在线教科书和文档,便于进一步深入学习。 7. **编码标准**:讨论了遵循的C++编码规范,确保代码质量和可读性。 8. **内存工具**:列举了一些用于内存管理和性能分析的工具,有助于开发过程中的问题排查。 9. **模板和STL**:介绍了C++模板的使用,以及如何利用Standard Template Library (STL) 提高代码的复用性和效率。 10. **多线程编程**:讲解了在C++中处理并发的技巧,探讨线程技术的应用。 11. **实用工具和格式**:涵盖了文档的不同格式选项,以及版权信息和附录中的示例程序文件。 通过这本书,读者能够系统地掌握Linux环境下的C++编程基础,从语法到高级特性,再到实用技巧,都能找到相应的指导和实践案例。对于希望在Linux平台上深入学习C++的程序员来说,这是一份不可或缺的参考资料。



把下面代码的运算符重载改为友元函数形式#include<iostream> using namespace std; class complex { private: double real; double imag; public: complex(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0); void print(); complex operator -=(complex c); complex operator *=(complex c); complex operator /=(complex c); complex operator ++(); complex operator ++(int); }; complex::complex(double r, double i) { real = r; imag = i; } complex complex::operator -=(complex c) { complex temp; temp.real = real - c.real; temp.imag = imag - c.imag; real = temp.real; imag = temp.imag; return temp; } complex complex::operator *=(complex c) { complex temp; temp.real = real * c.real - imag * c.imag; temp.imag = real * c.imag + imag * c.real; real = temp.real; imag = temp.imag; return temp; } complex complex::operator /=(complex c) { complex temp; double d; d = c.real * c.real + c.imag * c.imag; temp.real = (real * c.real + imag * c.imag) / d; temp.imag = (c.real * imag - real * c.imag) / d; real = temp.real; imag = temp.imag; return temp; } complex complex::operator ++() { complex temp; temp.real = ++real; temp.imag = ++imag; return temp; } complex complex::operator ++(int) { complex temp(real, imag); real++; imag++; return temp; } void complex::print() { cout << real; if (imag >= 0) cout << '+'; cout << imag << 'i' << endl; } int main() { complex A(30, 40), B(15, 30),C; C = A.operator++(1); cout << "C=A++后,C为:"; C.print(); cout << "A为:"; A.print(); C = A.operator++(); cout << "C=++A后,C为:"; C.print(); cout << "A为:"; A.print(); A *= B; cout << "A*=B后,A为:"; A.print(); A /= B; cout << "A/=B后,A为: "; A.print(); cout << "B为:"; B.print(); return 0; }

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import tushare as ts import datetime # 设置 token,用于认证 ts.set_token('530fbc2b682d65696dbeec010a893f70d6953fbb6842151003c3e12f') # 初始化 tushare pro = ts.pro_api() df = pro.daily(fields = 'ts_code,trade_date,open,close',start_date='20180701', end_date='20180718') def get_stock_poll(df): stock_pool=[] for code in df['ts_code'].unique(): temp_df = df[df['ts_code'] == code ] for i in range(len(temp_df)-3): if (temp_df.iloc[i + 3]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close']) and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['open']) and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['open']) and \ (temp_df.iloc[i]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i]['open'])and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 3]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close'])and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close']) and\ (temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close'] > temp_df.iloc[i]['close']): stock_pool.append(code) break return stock_pool def buy_stock(stock_pool,df): buy_list = [] for code in stock_pool: temp_df = df[df['ts_code']==code] for i in range(len(temp_df-2)): if(temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close'] < temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['open']) and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close'] < temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['open']) and \ (temp_df.iloc[i]['close'] < temp_df.iloc[i]['open'])and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 2]['close'] < temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close'])and \ (temp_df.iloc[i + 1]['close'] < temp_df.iloc[i]['close']): buy_list.append(code) break return buy_list def sell_stock(buy_stock,df): sell_list = [] for stock in buy_list: buy_date=dateime.datetime.strptime(stock[1],"%Y-%m-%d") current_date = days_held = (current_date - buy_date).days if days_held >=3: sell_list.append(stock[0]) print("sell list:",sell_list)要求上述代码在聚宽上运行

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