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"《Algorithms -- A Functional Programming Approach 2nd Edition》是Fethi Rabhi和Guy Lapalme合著的一本关于函数式编程实现算法的书籍,以Haskell语言为例,涵盖了数据结构和算法的基本概念。" 本书旨在通过函数式编程的视角教授读者如何理解和实现通用算法。在函数式编程的世界里,程序被视为数学函数,强调无副作用和纯函数,这使得Haskell成为阐述这些概念的理想选择。Haskell是一种强类型、惰性求值的纯函数式编程语言,其语法简洁,易于表达抽象和复杂逻辑,适合学习算法和数据结构。 首先,书中讨论了基础数据结构,包括队列、栈和堆。队列是一种先进先出(FIFO)的数据结构,常用于处理批量操作;栈是后进先出(LIFO)的数据结构,在递归和表达式求值中发挥关键作用;而堆则是一种具有特定性质(通常是最大或最小元素位于根部)的树形数据结构,常用于优先级队列和高效排序算法,如heap sort。 接下来,书中的算法部分涵盖了一系列排序方法。这些可能包括经典的冒泡排序、插入排序、选择排序、快速排序以及归并排序等,还可能涉及更高效的算法,如堆排序和基于比较的排序理论。排序算法是计算机科学中最基础且重要的部分,它们对理解时间复杂度和空间复杂度的概念至关重要。 此外,书中还探讨了图论相关算法,如最短路径问题(Dijkstra算法或Floyd-Warshall算法)、拓扑排序以及最小生成树(Kruskal或Prim算法)。这些算法在解决实际问题如网络路由、资源分配等方面有着广泛的应用。 动态规划是另一大主题,它是一种解决最优化问题的策略,通过将问题分解为子问题来找到全局最优解。书中可能包括了经典的动态规划问题,如背包问题、斐波那契数列、最长公共子序列等。动态规划的关键在于状态转移方程和记忆化技术,以避免重复计算。 除了以上内容,书中还可能包含其他高级主题,如递归、高阶函数、类型系统、组合子、模式匹配等,这些都是函数式编程中的核心概念。此外,书中提供的程序代码经过精心设计和测试,确保具有教学价值,有助于读者通过实践来巩固理论知识。 《Algorithms -- A Functional Programming Approach 2nd Edition》是一本深入浅出的教程,适合希望掌握函数式编程思维方式和算法实现的读者。通过学习,读者不仅能了解各种算法,还能熟悉Haskell语言,提升在解决问题时的抽象思维和逻辑推理能力。
2018-06-06 上传
Explore functional programming and discover new ways of thinking about code. You know you need to master functional programming, but learning one functional language is only the start. In this book, through articles drawn from PragPub magazine and articles written specifically for this book, you'll explore functional thinking and functional style and idioms across languages. Led by expert guides, you'll discover the distinct strengths and approaches of Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, Scala, and Swift and learn which best suits your needs. Contributing authors: Rich Hickey, Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn, Venkat Subramaniam, Paul Callaghan, Jose Valim, Dave Thomas, Natasha Murashev, Tony Hillerson, Josh Chisholm, and Bruce Tate. Functional programming is on the rise because it lets you write simpler, cleaner code, and its emphasis on immutability makes it ideal for maximizing the benefits of multiple cores and distributed solutions. So far nobody's invented the perfect functional language - each has its unique strengths. In Functional Programming: A PragPub Anthology, you'll investigate the philosophies, tools, and idioms of five different functional programming languages. See how Swift, the development language for iOS, encourages you to build highly scalable apps using functional techniques like map and reduce. Discover how Scala allows you to transition gently but deeply into functional programming without losing the benefits of the JVM, while with Lisp-based Clojure, you can plunge fully into the functional style. Learn about advanced functional concepts in Haskell, a pure functional language making powerful use of the type system with type inference and type classes. And see how functional programming is becoming more elegant and friendly with Elixir, a new functional language built on the powerful Erlang base.The industry has been embracing functional programming more and more, driven by the need for concurrency and parallelism. This collection of articles will lead you to mastering the functional approach to problem solving. So put on your explorer's hat and prepare to be surprised. The goal of exploration is always discovery. What You Need: Familiarity with one or more programming languages.