"TMDS171 HDMI接收器技术文档: HDMI重定时器和接口单元详解"
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The TI-TMDS171.pdf document provides detailed information about the TMDS171 HDMI Receiver, which is used for HDMI/DVI connectivity in digital TVs and other audiovisual processing units. The document outlines the pin configurations for the IN_CLKp/n, OUT_CLKp/n, IN_D1p/n, OUT_D1p/n, IN_D0p/n, OUT_D0p/n, OUT_D2p/n, and IN_D2p/n connections, as well as the 3.3V to 5V power requirements. It also specifies the SDA_SRC, SCL_SRC, SDA_SNK, SCL_SNK, HPD_SRC, HPD_SNK, SDA_CTL, and SCL_CTL pins, as well as the TMDS RXD, DCHPD, I2C, and EVSADJ connections.
In addition to the pin configurations, the document provides information on the HDMI SW/HD unit, the audiovisual processing unit, and the interface unit. It also outlines the copyright information for the Texas Instruments Incorporated product, as well as details on where to access the product folder, order information, technical documents, and tools.
Overall, the TI-TMDS171.pdf document serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and implementing the TMDS171 HDMI Receiver in digital TV and audiovisual processing applications. It provides detailed technical information and specifications, making it a valuable resource for engineers and developers working with HDMI/DVI connectivity.

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