
需积分: 5 1 下载量 136 浏览量 更新于2024-03-25 收藏 1.72MB DOC 举报
Based on the design document "Software Design of Voice-recording and Playing Based on Microcontroller", the application of speech synthesis, speech recognition, voice storage, and playback technology is becoming increasingly popular. Although the hardware circuits commonly found in general single-chip control systems (such as A/D, D/A, memory, etc.) can complete the digital processing of speech signals, the functions are relatively simple and the effects are not very good. This document introduces a voice storage system composed of the AT89C52 microcontroller and the ISD2560 voice chip, which enables voice recording and playback. Additionally, Matlab software is used for filtering and spectrum analysis, allowing for simple voice recording and playback functions with good sound quality output. The system has a simple hardware circuit, convenient debugging, high cost-effectiveness, and strong practicality. Key words: voice recording and playback system; filtering; spectrum analysis.