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《Node.js in Practice》是一本深入浅出的实用指南,专为学习和掌握Node.js核心模块而设计。作者包括Alex Young、Marc Harter等人,由Manning Publications Co.出版。本书旨在帮助读者通过115种技术技巧,理解和应用Node.js的强大功能,从而在实际项目开发中得心应手。 书中首先会提供一个引言,可能由Ben Noordhuis撰写,概述Node.js的核心理念和在现代软件开发中的重要性,强调了其非阻塞I/O模型和事件驱动架构的优势。Node.js以其轻量级、高效和高度可扩展性而闻名,特别适合构建实时应用、网络服务和高性能Web服务器。 正文部分将详细讲解Node.js的基础知识,包括但不限于: 1. **Node.js环境设置与安装**:介绍如何安装Node.js,配置开发环境,并理解npm(Node Package Manager)的作用和管理包的方式。 2. **事件循环机制**:深入解析Node.js的核心是Event Loop,以及它如何实现异步编程,让应用程序在等待IO操作完成时保持活动。 3. **核心模块探索**:逐一剖析诸如`http`、`fs`、`path`、`util`等基础模块,展示它们在实际项目中的应用案例。 4. **Stream处理**:Node.js的流是处理大量数据的重要工具,如读取文件、处理网络数据等,这部分会涵盖流的创建、管道和错误处理。 5. **WebSocket与实时通信**:讲解如何利用Node.js构建WebSocket服务器,实现实时双向通信,常用于聊天应用和在线游戏。 6. **Express框架**:作为Node.js中最流行的web框架之一,Express的使用和路由、中间件、模板引擎等内容。 7. **模块化与重构**:学习如何组织代码模块,使用CommonJS或ES6模块系统,以及重构大型项目的最佳实践。 8. **性能优化与调试**:讨论如何避免常见的性能瓶颈,如内存泄漏、CPU使用过高,以及如何利用Node.js的调试工具进行问题排查。 9. **Node.js在微服务架构中的角色**:阐述Node.js如何在分布式系统和微服务架构中发挥作用,提高系统的可扩展性和容错能力。 10. **实战项目示例**:通过实际项目的演示,让读者巩固理论知识并了解如何将所学应用到实际工作中。 《Node.js in Practice》不仅是一本技术手册,也是一本引导开发者逐步精通Node.js的实战教程。读者可以通过本书了解到Node.js的深层次原理,并学会如何在各种场景下灵活运用,提升自己的技能。在版权方面,所有权利归Manning Publications Co.所有,未经许可禁止任何形式的复制或传播。购买时,用户可访问Manning网站获取更多优惠信息或联系销售部门获取支持。
2018-04-19 上传
英文原版,无水印,数字版,有目录。 Node.js in Practice 1st Edition Summary Node.js in Practice is a collection of fully tested examples that offer solutions to the common and not-so-common issues you face when you roll out Node. You'll dig into important topics like the ins and outs of event-based programming, how and why to use closures, how to structure applications to take advantage of end-to-end JavaScript apps, and more. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Book You've decided to use Node.js for your next project and you need the skills to implement Node in production. It would be great to have Node experts Alex Young and Marc Harter at your side to help you tackle those day-to-day challenges. With this book, you can! Node.js in Practice is a collection of 115 thoroughly tested examples and instantly useful techniques guaranteed to make any Node application go more smoothly. Following a common-sense Problem/Solution format, these experience-fueled techniques cover important topics like event-based programming, streams, integrating external applications, and deployment. The abundantly annotated code makes the examples easy to follow, and techniques are organized into logical clusters, so it's a snap to find what you're looking for. Written for readers who have a practical knowledge of JavaScript and the basics of Node.js. What's Inside Common usage examples, from basic to advanced Designing and writing modules Testing and debugging Node apps Integrating Node into existing systems About the Authors Alex Young is a seasoned JavaScript developer who blogs regularly at DailyJS. Marc Harter works daily on large-scale projects including high-availability real-time applications, streaming interfaces, and other data-intensive systems. Table of Contents PART 1 NODE FUNDAMENTALS Getting started Globals: Node's environment Buffers: Working with bits, bytes, and encodings Events: Mastering EventEmitter and beyond Streams: Node's most powerful and misunderstood feature File system: Synchronous and asynchronous approaches Networking: Node's true "Hello, World" Child processes: Integrating external applications with Node PART 2 REAL-WORLD RECIPES The Web: Build leaner and meaner web applications Tests: The key to confident code Debugging: Designing for introspection and resolving issues Node in production: Deploying applications safely PART 3 WRITING MODULES Writing modules: Mastering what Node is all about