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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TCC.2015.2511738, IEEE
Transactions on Cloud Computing
Fig. 2. row buffer hit rate under different running configurations
each time an array is accessed, an entire multi-KB row
is transferred to a row buffer. This operation is called an
“activation” or a “row opening”. Then, any column of the row
can be read/written over the channel in one burst. Because
the activation is destructive, the corresponding row eventually
needs to be “pre-charged”, that is, written back to the array.
B. Profiling of Interference
With the core number and VM number keep increasing
in the server, one of major challenges on memory system is
interference. Usually a single thread’s memory requests have
good locality and can exhibit good row buffer hit rate. But the
locality is significantly reduced in a multi-core server with
running many VMs parallel. Therefore, row buffer hit rate
decreases sharply, leading to poor overall system performance.
Figure 2 demonstrates that the row buffer hit rate decreases
significantly with the thread number and VM number in-
creased. The y-axis shows the row buffer hit rate, and the
x-axis presents the different running configurations. The n-T-
m-VM represents there is m VMs with n threads in the server,
and every VM has n/m threads.
The interference mainly derives from three aspects:
1) Hypervisor interfere VMs. The hypervisor presents the
guest operating systems with a virtual operating platform
and manages the execution of the guest operating sys-
tems. Multiple instances of a variety of operating systems
may share the virtualized hardware resources. The hy-
pervisor takes responsible for the resources management.
Therefore, VMs need to request the hypervisor to allocate
physical resources, like the memory resource, during their
lifetime. In the process of memory allocation, hypervisor
may disturb the origin memory access stream of VMs,
which is one aspect of the memory interference.
Above situation has been shown in the figure 2. 1-
T which represents one thread running on operating
system without hypervisor is better than 1-T-1-VM which
represents one thread running on one VM with hypervisor
in row buffer hit rate. The advantage is mainly from the
hypervisor interference-free.
Moreover, in order to detailed analyze the interference
effect from hypervisor, we count the proportion caused by
hypervisor to the VM row buffer misses. Figure 3 demon-
strates the VM row buffer misses proportion caused by
hypervisor in different configurations. The x-axis presents
the different benchmarks from PARSEC running on VM.
This figure has proven hypervisor contributes great row
buffer misses.
2) VM interfere applications running on it.In order to get
the service of the guest operating system (OS), applica-
tions need to invoke system calls frequently during their
lifetime. To access guest OS’s address space, applications
have to switch to the kernel state. After the service
finished, the state returns back to the user state, which is
the address space of applications originally. For a simple
system call, kernel only uses a small part of a page, while
it has to complete the above steps, which may lead to two
additional row-buffer misses. Although guest OS invoca-
tions are usually short-lived, they are invoked frequently
[18], which leads to the frequently switches between
kernel state and user, intensifying interference. Figure
4 demonstrates row buffer misses proportion caused by
guest OS to different benchmarks. In the figure, we
run different benchmarks on VM to count the misses
proportion caused by invoking system calls and other
guest OS interference. This figure has clearly shown guest
OS contributes most row buffer misses to applications.
3) Interference among VMs and threads on one VM.VMs
and threads on one VM running concurrently contend
shared memory in both CMP systems and virtual CMP
(VCMP) systems. Therefore, memory streams of different
VMs and threads are interleaved and interfere with each
other at DRAM memory and virtual memory address
space respectively. The results of figure 2 have proven
the interference among VMs and threads on one VM. 1-
T-1-VM which represents one thread running on one VM
is better than 4-T-4-VM which represents four threads
running on four VMs and each VM has one thread in row
buffer hit rate. Briefly, one VM is better than four VMs
simultaneously running in row buffer miss rate. Moreover,
as the threads number of one VM increased, such as 1-T-
1-VM, 4-T-1-VM, 64-T-8-VM and 256-T-16-VM, from
one thread to 16 threads on one VM, the row buffer
miss rate decreases seriously. Interference among VMs
and threads on one VM needs to alleviate for memory
performance improvement.
C. Profiling of Memory Sharing
Basically, memory deduplication of reducing memory re-
quirements is based on the assumption that a system has many
identical contents. However, in the virtualization, a physical
server mostly hosts multiple VMs to run simultaneously for
different services. The software as well as the data used in
VMs can be similar [19]. Therefore, through merging those
identical pages, the physical system can release additional free
Moreover, the guest OS running on each VM also have
many identical contents. Figure 5 demonstrates the identical
pages proportion between two VMs without applications run-
ning on them. In the figure, the x-axis presents the two guest