Secure Code Review
Knowing the internal code structure from the code review, and using that knowledge to form test cases and
abuse cases is known as white box testing (also called clear box and glass box testing). This approach can lead to
a more productive penetration test, since testing can be focused on suspected or even known vulnerabilities. Us-
ing knowledge of the specic frameworks, libraries and languages used in the web application, the penetration
test can concentrate on weaknesses known to exist in those frameworks, libraries and languages.
A white box penetration test can also be used to establish the actual risk posed by a vulnerability discovered
through code review. A vulnerability found during code review may turn out not to be exploitable during pen-
etration test due to the code reviewer(s) not considering a protective measure (input validation, for instance).
While the vulnerability in this case is real, the actual risk may be lower due to the lack of exposure. However there
is still an advantage to adding the penetration test encase the protective measure is changed in the future and
therefore exposes the vulnerability.
While vulnerabilities exploited during a white box penetration test (based on secure code review) are certainly
real, the actual risk of these vulnerabilities should be carefully analyzed. It is unrealistic that an attacker would
be given access to the target web application’s source code and advice from its developers. Thus, the risk that
an outside attacker could exploit the vulnerabilities found by the white box penetration tester is probably low-
er. However, if the web application organization is concerned with the risk of attackers with inside knowledge
(former employees or collusion with current employees or contractors), the real-world risk may be just as high.
The results of the penetration test can then be used to target additional areas for code review. Besides address-
ing the par-ticular vulnerability exploited in the test, it is a good practice to look for additional places where that
same class of vulnerability is present, even if not explicitly exploited in test. For instance, if output encoding is
not used in one area of the application and the penetration test exploited that, it is quite possible that output
encoding is also not used elsewhere in the application.
5.7 Implicit Advantages of Code Review to Development Practices
Integrating code review into a company’s development processes can have many benets which will depend
upon the processes and tools used to perform code reviews, how well that data is backed up, and how those
tools are used. The days of bringing developers into a room and displaying code on a projector, whilst recording
the review results on a printed copy are long gone, today many tools exist to make code review more ecient
and to track the review records and decisions. When the code review process is structured correctly, the act of
reviewing code can be ecient and provide educational, auditable and historical benets to any organization.
This section provides a list of benets that a code review procedure can add to development organization.
Provides an historical record
If any developer has joined a company, or moved teams within a company, and had to maintain or enhance a
piece of code written years ago, one of the biggest frustrations can be the lack of context the new developer has
on the old code. Various schools of opinion exist on code documentation, both within the code (comments) and
external to the code (design and functional documents, wikis, etc.). Opinions range from zero-documentation
tolerance through to near-NASA level documentation, where the size of the documentation far exceeds the size
of the code module.
Many of the discussions that occur during a code review, if recorded, would provide valuable information (con-
text) to module maintainers and new programmers. From the writer describing the module along with some of
their design decisions, to each reviewers comments, stating why they think one SQL query should be restruc-
tured, or an algorithm changed, there is a development story unfolding in front of the reviewers eyes which can
be used by future coders on the module, who are not involved in the review meetings.