Low-loss Airy surface plasmon polaritons
Qi Zhang (张 琦), Chaohua Tan (谭超华), Chao Hang (杭 超),
and Guoxiang Huang (黄国翔)*
State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy and Department of Physics, East China Normal University,
Shanghai 200062, China
*Corresponding author: gxhuang@phy.ecnu.edu .cn
Received March 14, 2015; accepted May 27, 2015; posted online July 8, 2015
We propose a scheme to obtain a low-loss propagation of Airy surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) along the
interface between a dielectric and a negative-index metamaterial (NIMM). We show that by using the trans-
verse-magnetic mode and the related destructive interference effect between electric and magnetic absorption
responses, the propagation loss of the Airy SPPs can be largely suppressed when the optical frequency is close to
the lossless point of the NIMM. As a result, the Airy SPPs obtained in our scheme can propagate more than a 6
times longer distance than that in conventional dielectric–metal interfaces.
OCIS codes: 240.0240, 240.6680, 160.3918.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.082401.
Dielectric–metal interfaces are known to support surface
plasmon polaritons (SPPs), i.e., surface electromagnetic
waves propagating along the planar interface between a
metal and a dielectric material. These particular electro-
magnetic modes are sustained by collective electronic
oscillations in the metal near the interface, and are essen-
tially two-dimensional waves with field components
decaying exponentially with distance from the interface.
The fact that SPPs can overcome the diffraction limit
and localize light within a subwavelength volume makes
them ideal tools for enhancing light–matter interactions
In recent years, much attention has been paid to the
study of Airy light beams
. Unlike most types of light
waves, Airy beams have the ability to resist diffraction,
and can freely bend without requiring waveguiding struc-
tures or external potentials
. Up until now, Airy beams
have been found in various fields of physics including
, spin waves
, plasma
, and electron beams
They also have a wide range of applications including
trapping, guiding, manipulation of objects
and slow
lights in cold atomic gases
, signal processing
molecular diagnostics, and biosensing applications.
Recently, Airy beams have been introduced theoreti-
cally by Salandrino and Christodoulides for controlling
SPPs along dielectric– metal interfaces
. This work pre-
sented an opportunity for realizing nondiffracting SPPs,
and stimulated flourishing experimental activities on Airy
SPPs along dielectric–metal interfaces
(also see referen-
ces therein). However, Airy SPPs found up until now have
had a very short propagation distance due to the large
Ohmic loss inherent in metals, which severely limits prac-
tical applications of Airy SPPs.
In this work, we suggest a scheme to generate low-loss
Airy SPPs, which propagate along the interface between a
dielectric and a negative-index metamaterial (NIMM)
By using the transverse-magnetic mode and the related
destructive interference effect between the electric and
magnetic absorption responses, we show that the
propagation loss of the Airy SPPs can be suppressed
significantly. As a result, the Airy SPPs obtained in
our work can propagate more than a 6 times longer
distance than that in conventional dielectric–metal
interfaces, after taking the inherent diffraction effect into
The system we consider consists of two superposed pla-
nar materials, i.e., a dielectric and a NIMM (which could
be replaced by a metal for comparison), with a planar
dielectric–NIMM interface, as shown in Fig.
1(a). The
NIMM in the lower half-plane (x < 0) has permittivity
and permeability μ
(which are frequency-dependent),
and the dielectric in the upper half-plane (x > 0) has
permittivity ε
and permeability μ
(which are taken as
frequency-independent constants).
We choose the Drude model to describe the electric
permittivity and magnetic permeability of the NIMM
i.e., ε
− ω
þ iγ
ωÞ and μ
− ω
þ iγ
ωÞ, where ω
and ω
are the electric
and magnetic plasmon frequencies, γ
and γ
are the cor-
responding decay rates, and ε
and μ
are background
Fig. 1. (a) Dielectric-NIMM interface. NIMM (in the lower half-
plane, x < 0) has frequency-dependent permittivity ε
permeability μ
. Dielectric (in the upper half-plane, x > 0) has
frequency-independent permittivity ε
and permeability μ
SPP propagates along z-direction; (b) ImðβÞ (blue solid line)
and Reð1∕k
Þ (red dashed line) as functions of oscillating
frequency ω.
COL 13(8), 082401(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS August 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/082401(4) 082401-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters