COL 9(8), 083101(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS August 10, 2011
Effect of standing-wave field distribution on femosecond
laser-induced damage of HfO
mirror coating
Shunli Chen (
, Yuan’an Zhao (
, Hongbo He (
, and Jianda Shao (
Key Laboratory of Materials for High Power Laser, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Corresponding author: yazhao@siom.ac.cn
Received December 31, 2010; accepted March 15, 2011; posted online May 31, 2011
Single-pulse and multi-pulse damage behaviors of “standard” (with λ/4 stack structu re) and “modified”
(with reduced standing-wave field) HfO
mirror coatings are investigated using a commercial 50-fs,
800-nm Ti:sapphire laser system. Precise morphologies of damaged sites display strikingly different features
when the samples are subjected to various number of incident pulses, which are explained reasonably by
the standing-wave field distribution within the coatings. Meanwhile, the single-pulse laser-induced damage
threshold of the “standard” mirror is improved by about 14% while supp ressing the normalized electric
field intensity at the outmost interface of the HfO
and SiO
layers by 37%. To discuss the damage
mechanism, a theoretical model based on photoionization, avalanche ionization, and decays of electrons is
adopted to simulate the evolution curves of the cond uction-band electron density during pu lse duration.
OCIS codes: 310.1620, 320.7090, 140.3330, 260.3230.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.083101.
In the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) and optical
parametric CPA (OPCPA) laser systems, multilayer di-
electric mirror coatings serve as the fundamental part
of multilayer dielectric pulse compressor gratings and
ultra-broa dband mirrors
. Laser-induced damage of di-
electric coating s ha s always been a limiting factor for
the constant and stable operation of high-power las e r
. Consequently, enhancing the laser resis-
tance of coatings becomes distinctly important. How-
ever, there are only a few studies dedicated to improving
the laser-induced damage thresho ld (LIDT) of mirror
coatings in the femosecond (fs) regime. Laser condition-
ing was verified to be invalid for mirror c oatings because
neither lo ng-pulse nor short-pulse conditioning resulted
in higher LIDT
. Moreover, low refractive index protec-
tive layer, such as half-wave SiO
single layer, was tried
by Yuan et al.
. Unfortunately, it was found that the
protective layer had no positive effect on improving
the LIDT of mirrors.
Fro m the 70s of the last century, a method for im-
proving the LIDT of multilayer coatings was a dopted by
suppressing the peak electric field intensity within the
critical layers
. In recent years, some investigations
have been conducted focusing on the relation between
the fs laser-induced damage and the standing-wave elec-
tric field distribution within dielectric coatings
. It
was also demonstrated to be effective by r educing the
electric field intensity at the interfaces of high-index
and low-index materials to increase the LIDT for both
and HfO
multilayer dielectric hig h-
reflective mirrors
. However, only the multi-pulse
damage behavior of samples was discussed extensively
and cor relative research on the single-pulse damage of
high-reflective coatings was incomplete. Therefore, more
comprehensive studies on the damage of coatings, in-
cluding single-pulse damage test, are necessar y. Some
interesting physics was observed from the single-pulse
damage experiment in this letter.
In this letter, HfO
was used as a high-index material
to realize high-reflective mirrors due to its relatively high
LIDT, and good thermal and mechanical stability
Two kinds of HfO
mirrors, one with “standard”
(with λ/4 stack structure) design and the other with
“modified” (with reduced standing-wave field) design,
were prepared by electron beam evapor ation (EBE) tech-
nology. A 50-fs, 10-Hz, 800-nm Ti:sapphire laser system
was used to study the single-pulse and multi-pulse dam-
age behaviors of these coatings. Optical microscope,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and surface profiler
were employed to confirm the damage features of the
samples. In addition, a theoretical model was adopted
to illustrate the fs laser-induced damage mechanism.
All the samples were prepared from HfO
and SiO
materials with re fr active indices of 1.98 and 1.44 at the
wavelength of 800 nm, and optical band gaps of 5.4 and
8.3 eV, respectively. All the s amples were obtained at the
same depos itio n conditions by EBE. The b e am curr e nts
were 120 mA for HfO
and 60 mA for SiO
. Moreover,
the substrate temperature was kept at 200
C during
deposition, while the deposition rates of HfO
and SiO
target materials were 0.3 and 0.6 nm/s, respectively.
The deposition pressur e of background gas O
in the
coating chamber was 2×10
Pa. The structure of the
“standard” mirror was given by G||(HL)
H||Air, where
G denoted BK7 glas s substrate (30×3 (mm)), and H and
L standed for the high-refractive index material (HfO
and the low-refractive index oxide (SiO
), respectively,
with quarter wavelength optical thickness (QWOT).
In order to lower the electric field intensity at outer
interfaces within the “modified” mirror, we modified the
relative thicknesses of the H and L layers for the outer six
layers to shift the electric field peaks to more resistant
low-refractive index SiO
material. The coatings were
designed by commercially available thin film software
1671-7694/2011/083101(4) 083101-1
2011 Chinese Optics Letters