第 15卷第4 期 空 军 工 程 大 学 学 报 (自然科学版) Vol.15 No.4
机载M IM O 雷达3 -CAP杂波抑制方法
摘 要 针对机载雷达面临的杂波抑制问题,在考虑阵元误差、通道误差和杂波起伏等误差因素
对杂波特性影响的基础上,建立了机载M I M O 雷达杂波数学模型,提出了一种基于M I M O 雷
达体制下的空时自适应新方法—— M 3 - C A P 方法。对接收信号进行时域滤波,选取被检测通道
与其2 个相邻通道为一组,进行自适应处理。该方法通过M I M O 技术与3 - C A P 方法的有效结
合,将波形分集的优势扩展到3 - C A P 方法中,显著提高了雷达系统自由度和杂波协方差矩阵估
的M 3 - C A P 方法的杂波抑制性能明显优于J D L - G M B 、改进的J D L 、3 - C A P 等方法。
关 键 词 机载M I M O 雷达;空时自适应处理;杂波建模;M 3 - C A P 方法
DOI 10. 3969/. issn. 1009-3516. 2014. 04. 013
中图分类号 TJ430.1 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1009-3516(2014)04-0051-05
3 CAP Clutter Suppression Method Research for Airborne Radar
H A O L i n ,Z H AN G Yo ng-shun,LI Zhe
(Air and MissileDefense College,Air Force Engineering University,XVan 710051,China)
Abstract:To solve the problem of clutter suppression faced by airborned M I M O radar,after considering the
element error,channel uncertainty as well as clutter fluctuation, ,the clutter model for airborne M I M O ra
dar under different error conditions is established, a new space-time adaptive processing methodbased on
M I M O systems
M 3- CA P method is proposed. Firstly,temporal filtering is performed on the space-time
received data,and then the output data of three Doppler channels which are the detected Doppler channel
and two of its adjacent channels,is adaptively filtered .By combining M I M O systems and 3-CAP method ef
fectively, the advantage of waveform diversity is extended into 3-CAP method, this new method improves
the degree of freedom and clutter estimation accuracy. By analyzing and comparing the clutter suppression
performance under different radar systems anddifferent error conditions,the result turns out: the clutter
suppression performance of M 3 - CA P method is superior to J D L - G M B 、Modified J D L 、3-CAP methods.
Key words:airborne M I M O radar;STAP; clutter model; M 3 -C A P method
机载雷达在对运动目标进行检测时,如何抑制 题 ,而空时自适应处理(Space-Time Adaptive Pro-
强烈的地杂波和各种类型的干扰是其面临的主要难 cessing,S T A P ) 是 解 决 该 问 题 的 关 键 技 术 [12]。在
作者简介:郝 琳 (1989 ——),女,河北邯郸人,硕士生,主要从事MIM O 雷达空时自适应信号处理研究.E-mall:dea:v 1C@126.c0m
引用格式:郝琳,张永顺,李哲. 机载M IM O 雷达3CAP杂波抑制方法[ J] .空军工程大学学报:自然科学版,2014,15(4) :51-55,FU Xiuzhu,
ANG Yangwnagf YANG Pengf&tet al.A research of accuracy evaluation system of air-to-ground missile fall point^JJ. Journal of air force engi
neering uni versi ty : na t ural science editionf20l4 f15(4) :51 ~55.