DirectX 11游戏编程入门指南

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" Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming 英文版" 本书"Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming"由Allen Sherrod和Wendy Jones撰写,是初学者进入DirectX 11游戏编程领域的理想指南。DirectX 11是微软开发的一套API(应用程序接口),用于在Windows操作系统上创建高性能的图形和多媒体应用,特别是在游戏开发中应用广泛。 DirectX 11包含了一系列的组件,如Direct3D用于3D图形渲染,DirectSound和DirectMusic用于音频处理,DirectInput和XInput则用于接收用户输入。本书将深入讲解如何利用这些组件来构建引人入胜的游戏体验。 在内容部分,读者可以期待涵盖以下关键知识点: 1. **Direct3D基础知识**:学习Direct3D的基本概念,包括设备创建、上下文管理、渲染管线的工作原理,以及如何设置视口、投影和模型变换。 2. **图形编程**:了解顶点缓冲、索引缓冲、着色器模型(例如像素着色器和顶点着色器)、纹理贴图和光照模型等技术,这些都是创建逼真图形的关键。 3. **资源管理**:学习如何有效地管理DirectX中的资源,如纹理、缓冲区和着色器,以及内存分配和释放策略。 4. **框架设计**:探讨如何构建一个基础的游戏框架,包括游戏循环、事件处理、时间管理以及错误处理。 5. **多线程编程**:了解如何利用DirectX 11支持的多线程特性来优化游戏性能,尤其是在现代多核处理器环境下。 6. **DirectInput与XInput**:学习如何处理键盘、鼠标和游戏控制器的输入,以及如何利用XInput API与Xbox 360控制器进行交互。 7. **高级主题**:可能涉及深度缓冲、模板缓冲、混合模式、多重采样抗锯齿、后期处理效果,甚至是简单的物理模拟和人工智能概念。 8. **调试与优化**:学习使用调试工具如Visual Studio的图形诊断和性能分析器来定位问题和提升游戏性能。 9. **最佳实践**:书中会提供编写高效、可维护DirectX 11代码的建议和示例。 本书通过实际项目和实例来教授DirectX 11编程,旨在帮助读者从零开始,逐步掌握这个强大工具集的使用,为成为专业游戏开发者奠定坚实的基础。技术审阅者Wendy Jones的贡献确保了内容的专业性和准确性。对于想要踏入游戏开发领域的学习者来说,这是一本不可多得的参考资料。

根据以下要求编写一个python程序1. Description Ship of Fools is a simple classic dice game. It is played with five standard 6-faced dice by two or more players. - The goal of the game is to gather a 6, a 5 and a 4 (ship, captain and crew) in the mentioned order. - The sum of the two remaining dice (cargo) is preferred as high as possible. The player with the highest cargo score wins the round. Example: - In the first round turn, if a player rolls 6 4 3 3 1 (note we five dice at the beginning), the player can bank the 6 (ship), but the rest needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5. - In the second round turn, if the player rolls 6 5 4 4 (four dice, since the 6 from last turn is banked), the player can bank the 5 (captain) and the 4 (crew). The player has three choices for the remaining 6 and 4. The player can bank both and score 10 points, or re-roll one or two of the dice and hope for a higher score. - In the second round turn, if the player instead rolled 4 4 3 1, all dice needs to be re-rolled since there is no 5.程序需要包含一下几个类.The division of responsibility between the different classes is as follows. - Die: Responsible for handling randomly generated integer values between 1 and 6. - DiceCup: Handles five objects (dice) of class Die. Has the ability to bank and release dice individually. Can also roll dice that are not banked. - ShipOfFoolsGame: Responsible for the game logic and has the ability to play a round of the game resulting in a score. Also has a property that tells what accumulated score results in a winning state, for example 21. - Player: Responsible for the score of the individual player. Has the ability, given a game logic, play a round of a game. The gained score is accumulated in the attribute score. - PlayRoom: Responsible for handling a number of players and a game. Every round the room lets each player play, and afterwards check if any player has reached the winning score.

2023-06-02 上传