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AbstractWith the development of science and technology, electricity has become one of the most important resources. Ensuring the supply of electricity is of great significance for the economic development and improvement of people's living standards. In the process of electricity transmission, the generator set is one of the most important basic elements, widely used in the transmission and distribution of power systems. The amount of energy loss during transmission is determined by the size of the load carried by the generator set, its own losses, and whether it is in an economic operational state. Therefore, the operational state and operational mode of the generator set directly affect the operation and investment of the entire power system.
This study focuses on the setting calculation and simulation of the relay protection for a 600MW generator set. Initially, the analysis of the original materials was conducted to determine the main electrical connections, followed by the calculation of short circuit currents at specific points. Subsequently, the automatic device for the generator set was configured, and the setting calculations for each device were carried out, highlighting the characteristics of each protection in order to meet the requirements of selectivity, sensitivity, and reliability. Based on simulation analysis, it was proposed to use MATLAB/Simulink software for simulation. A model for fast switching of factory power was established, consisting of system blocks, circuit breaker modules, synchronous generator modules, oscilloscope modules, and others.
Keywords: generator set; setting calculation; MATLAB; simulation.
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2024-10-30 上传
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