
0 下载量 98 浏览量 更新于2024-02-20 1 收藏 1.18MB DOC 举报
Abstract: In the current era of fast-paced economic development and continuous advancements in information technology, traditional data management has evolved into software-based storage, summarization, and centralized processing. The development of the community property management system is a product of this environment, designed to help managers efficiently handle vast amounts of data and improve transaction processing efficiency by utilizing software tools. This system utilizes the mature and sophisticated SSM framework, the Java language for cross-platform development of large-scale e-commerce websites, and the popular RDBMS application software Mysql for program development. It includes user basic data management, check-in registration management, landscaping management, security management, fire management, and announcement information dissemination functions. The community property management system features a user-friendly interface designed to meet the operational needs of personnel, maintaining consistency with similar websites in function module layout. In addition to meeting basic functional requirements, the program also offers practical solutions to data security issues. In summary, this program not only helps managers efficiently handle work tasks but also achieves the integration, standardization, and automation of data information. Keywords: Community Property Management System; SSM Framework; Mysql; Automation.