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在本篇Fluent算例中,初学者将学习如何使用ANSYS Fluent软件模拟交叉管内流动问题。该问题是关于两个异径管道(水平管道直径10mm,长度120mm;垂直管道直径8mm,长度50mm)内的介质混合,其中左侧入口(inlet-left)流速为0.3m/s,温度15℃,而顶部入口(inlet-top)流速为0.1m/s,温度25℃。出口的压力设定为0Pa,温度目标为20℃。这个场景是在空间坐标系下进行二维或三维建模,通过SolidWorks 2019创建几何模型,并利用SpaceClaim辅助设计。 在步骤2.1中,会用SolidWorks构建精确的管道几何形状,确保几何精度对于CFD模拟至关重要。由于问题相对简单,没有涉及复杂的流体力学特性,因此暂不进行几何简化处理。 接下来是网格划分(3.1),需要选择合适的网格模式,如二维笛卡尔或三维六面体网格,然后按照一定的划分原则,确保在满足精度要求的同时,避免过度细化导致计算效率降低。网格划分完成后,会导出并保存网格文件以便后续导入到Fluent中。 在求解设置部分(4.1-4.12),首先通过fluent命令行启动软件,导入网格模型。在General设置中,Mesh选项用于设置网格质量,Solver设置包括选择求解算法,如有限体积法。Models设置关注于流体模型和热传输模型的配置。Materials部分定义了流体的物理性质,如密度和热容。 CellZoneConditions用于指定计算域内各区域的属性,如速度边界条件(inlet-left和inlet-top的设定)、温度边界条件以及压力出口。BoundaryConditions定义了管道表面的接触条件,包括速度边界、温度边界和压力边界。Solution部分详细配置求解控制参数,如时间步长、收敛标准等,并通过Monitors功能监测关键物理量的变化,如速度和温度分布。 求解阶段(4.9)启动计算,Fluent将基于设定的参数进行数值模拟。计算完成后,后处理结果分析尤为重要。结果包括壁面温度分布(4.10.1),截面物理量的可视化,如速度(、温度(以及流线图(4.10.3)。通过创建line并显示XY-Plot(4.11.1-4.11.2),可以得到更深入的数据分析。 最后,不要忘记保存整个工作流程中的所有关键文件,以备后续参考或进一步优化。整个过程强调了理论与实践相结合,旨在帮助初学者理解Fluent软件在实际工程问题中的应用,特别是对几何建模、网格划分和求解设置的掌握。
2020-08-16 上传
FLUENT 2020R2 tutorial guide PDF及案例源文件 1.What’s In This Manual The ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use ANSYS Flu- ent to solve different types of problems. In each tutorial, features related to problem setup and postpro- cessing are demonstrated. 2. How To Use This Manual Depending on your familiarity with computational fluid dynamics and the ANSYS Fluent software, you can use this tutorial guide in a variety of ways. 2.1. For the Beginner If you are a beginning user of ANSYS Fluent you should first read and solve Tutorial 1, in order to fa- miliarize yourself with the interface and with basic setup and solution procedures.You may then want to try a tutorial that demonstrates features that you are going to use in your application. You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular interest to you. 2.2. For the Experienced User If you are an experienced ANSYS Fluent user, you can read and/or solve the tutorial(s) that demonstrate features that you are going to use in your application. You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular interest to you. 3.Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to help you find commands in the user interface. • Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface items and text interface items. For example: Iso-Surface dialog box surface/iso-surface text command