Non-Linear Processing Based on Dolphin Inspired
Real LFM Signals for Enhanced Delay-Doppler
Dongzhou Zhan, Hangfang Zhao, and Wen Xu*
Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, China, 310027
Abstract—In this paper, we study two non-linear processing
roaches, inspired by biosonars, to enhance the delay-Doppler
resolution. We use real linear frequency modulated (LFM)
signals to fulfill a model, based on an abstraction and
modification of the dolphin signals of certain species. With the
help of Hilbert transform, two delay-Doppler images can be
generated through single LFM signal. Non-linear algorithms are
then applied and analyzed for producing a super delay-Doppler
resolution when combining the images together. We also
investigate the detection performance of those algorithms.
Overall, the developed non-linear processing offers a great
improvement in delay-Doppler resolution while the detection
performance is close to that of the conventional matched filter
receiver without significant increase in system or computational
Keywords—Non-linear processing; wideband ambiguity
function; delay-Doppler resolution; Hilbert transform
I. I
High resolution and low level of side-lobes of delay-
Doppler are highly desired for active sonar systems. The
resolution determines the ability of separating targets that are
spatially close together and/or have similar radial velocity to
the sonar, while the level of side-lobes determines the ability of
suppressing the interferences. The delay-Doppler resolution of
the conventional matched-filter sonar is mainly assessed by the
ambiguity function of the transmitted signals. Usually, the
complexity or the time-bandwidth product of the transmitted
waveform determines the resolution of the ambiguity function.
The more complex or the larger time-bandwidth product is, the
better the resolution would be. Alternatively, selection of non-
linear processing may lead to a better delay-Doppler resolution
than that of the matched filter.
The biosonar of dolphins outperforms man-made sonars in
a variety of aspects with their mediocre ‘equipment’ [1], for
instance, the ability to make fine distinction in the features of
targets. The ability indicates that the delay-Doppler resolution
of a biosonar differs significantly from the ambiguity function
of the transmitted waveform. There should be lessons we could
learn from. One of the main specialties for the sonar of
dolphins is the wideband signal that they use. From the work of
Capus, et al. [2], a dual down-chirp model of the bottlenose
dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) is outlined. Our work is inspired
by that concept with some modification using non-linear
processing for wideband ambiguity function. That is why this
processing is called dolphin inspired, not with the exact
dolphin signals. A similar approach has been exploited, but
mainly based on a modified signal model of bats with dual
complex chirp signals and narrowband analysis for radar
processing [3].
In this paper, we would explore the potential of the real
linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals with Hilbert
transform and non-linear processing. The reason to use real
signals rather than complex signals is clear: real signals are
indeed the signals transmitted and received by sonars. The
comparison between the conventional and the novel processing
shall be based on the wideband ambiguity function naturally.
The bandwidth of the LFM signals against the carrier’s
frequency can be pretty large for an underwater acoustic
system, and thus the narrowband ambiguity function is not
appropriate. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, we describe the observed signals used by certain
species of dolphins. We then present a simplified model
inspired by those signals. The connection between the real
LFM signals and the model is developed in details. In Section
III, we investigate how single LFM signal could generate two
different delay-Doppler images. The non-linear processing,
which is applied to those two images for enhancing the delay-
Doppler resolution, is discussed. The detection performance of
the non-linear processing is evaluated in Section IV. At last, in
Section V, some conclusions from this paper are given.
Dolphins transmit a diversity of types of click signals,
which plays an important role in perceiving the environment
involving detection, discrimination and so on [4]. There are
seven types according to the click taxonomy based on the
dominant peaks in upper and lower frequency bands [5], and
those types of signals vary a lot both in the time and frequency
domains. However, all those types of click signals can be
abstracted and modeled as dual down chirp signals shown in
Fig. 1(a). Those down chirps strongly overlap in the time and
frequency domains and each down chirp can have different
amplitude. Here we introduce a modified model of Fig. 1(a).
One of the down chirp signals is replaced by an up chirp signal,
and two parts are totally overlapped with one another in time
978-1-4799-3646-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE