
0 下载量 50 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 796KB DOC 举报
The graduation thesis "Design of Probability Statistics Visualization Experimental System Based on MATLAB" is a comprehensive study on the design and implementation of a visualization system based on MATLAB for probability statistics. The system's design focuses on the visualization of common distribution functions, combining the study of probability theory with the use of MATLAB software to create a system for drawing common distribution function images. The key features include the drawing of distribution bar charts for common discrete distributions (hypergeometric distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution) and the density function and distribution function graphs for common continuous distributions (normal distribution, uniform distribution, exponential distribution). The implementation of the "Design of Probability Statistics Visualization Experimental System Based on MATLAB" will play a positive role in promoting the transformation of educational ideas and promoting the cultivation of students' innovative and practical capabilities. Furthermore, it will also promote the modernization of teaching methods and the pace at which students acquire advanced mathematical tools. The system is designed to have a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy and intuitive interaction, enhancing the overall learning experience for students. In conclusion, the research and development of this system is a significant contribution to the field of probability statistics visualization. Through the utilization of MATLAB as the main tool for implementation, it bridges the gap between probability theory and practical application, providing a powerful educational and research tool for students and educators to explore and understand complex statistical concepts visually. This system holds the potential to greatly impact the education system and contribute to the advancement of mathematical education and research.