ETSI TS 102 221 V7.13.0 (2009 High humidity
The support of the extended humidity condition is optional for the UICC.
A UICC supporting high humidity shall withstand the following equivalent environmental conditions for operation and
• temperature: 85 °C;
• relative humidity: from 90 % to 95 %;
• duration: 1 000 hours.
4.5 Contacts
4.5.1 Provision of contacts Terminal
Contacting elements in the terminal in positions C4 and C8 are optional. If present and not used, they shall either be
pulled to state L or present a high impedance to the UICC. If it is determined that the UICC is a multi-application
UICC, or if the terminal supports optional interfaces using these contacts, then these contacts may be used.
Contact C6 need not be provided for Plug-in/Mini-UICC cards or any card if the terminal does not support class A
operating conditions (see ISO/IEC 7816-3 [11]). Contact C6 shall be provided if the terminal supports the optional
interface defined in TS 102 613 [19].
If present and not used by an optional interface, C6 shall present a high impedance to the UICC or be connected to Gnd. UICC
Contacts C4 and C8 need not be provided by the UICC. If provided, they shall not be connected internally in the UICC
if the UICC only contains a Telecom application and is not using these contacts for an additional interface.
Contact C6 shall not be bonded in the UICC for any function other than supplying Vpp or when the UICC supports the
optional interface defined in TS 102 613 [19].
4.5.2 Contact activation and deactivation Contacts assigned by the present document
When using the interface defined in the present document, the terminal shall connect, activate and deactivate the UICC
through the contacts C1, C2, C3, C5, C7, in accordance with the operating procedures specified in
ISO/IEC 7816-3 [11].
The terminal may switch on and off the clock on contact CLK while the RST contact remains in state L.
For any voltage level, monitored during the activation sequence, or during the deactivation sequence following normal
power-down, the order of the contact activation/deactivation shall be respected.
It is recommended that whenever possible, the deactivation sequence defined in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [11] should be
followed by the terminal on all occasions when the terminal is powered down.
If the UICC clock is already stopped and is not restarted, the terminal may deactivate all the contacts in any order,
provided that all signals reach low level before Vcc leaves high level. If the UICC clock is already stopped and is
restarted before the deactivation sequence, then the deactivation sequence specified in
ISO/IEC 7816-3 [11] shall be followed.
When Vpp is connected to Vcc, as allowed in the present document for terminals supporting class A operation
conditions only, then Vpp shall be activated and deactivated with Vcc, at the time of the Vcc activation/deactivation, as
specified in the sequences of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [11].