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atabase Table Structure Reference.doc
The database table 'DeptOut' is designed to store information about external units. The table has columns such as external unit ID, type of exchange, unit leader, city, address, and other relevant details. The table has around 3000 records and is usually not modified after initialization.
Another related table, 'DeptOutSub', serves as a sub-table to 'DeptOut' and contains information about sub-units within the external units. It has columns for sub-unit ID, parent ID, unit name, and unit code. This table typically has a very low number of records.
Overall, these database tables provide a comprehensive structure for storing and managing information about external units and their sub-units. The tables are designed to efficiently handle a large number of records and are optimized for performance and data integrity. They form an essential part of the database schema for any system dealing with the management of external units.
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