1 Introduction
estimation of the navigation filter. The focus is to a smaller extent on the enhancement of the accuracy
of the navigation solution in its classical sense but rather on the improvement of its statistical
. The navigation filter is said to be statistically consistent if the estimated navigation state is
equal to the expected value of the true navigation state and the predicted covariance corresponds to
the covariance of the true navigation state. The statistically correct prediction of the navigation state
error covariance is prerequisite for the correct assessment of the navigation solution, which in turn is
crucial for the reliable detection and isolation of measurement failures.
Fault detection and isolation by an integrity monitor is an indispensable part of an integrated
navigation system. Fault detection methods often judge the integrity of measurements by any form of
innovation testing (for example the simple chi-square test). For this, the innovation covariance
containing the state error covariance as well as the measurement error covariance is required as
accurate as possible. The better the nominal system inherent errors are understood and represented
in the navigation filter, the easier and the earlier even smaller exceptional faults can be detected.
The applications that make use of the outputs of the navigation computer like flight guidance and
control rely on the correctness and statistical consistency of the output values and the corresponding
uncertainty information. The flight management in unmanned aerial systems, for example, decides
based on the navigation state estimate covariance whether the nominal system works properly and is
trustworthy or whether a failure exists and it has to be switched to a backup system. Particularly if
aiding measurements are absent for longer times or if one or more navigation states cannot be
observed by the aiding measurements for a longer period, accurate and coherent prediction of the
statistics is essential for continuous operation.
Navigation grade INS feature only very slow error growth because the measurement errors of the
incorporated inertial measurement unit (IMU) are comparatively small. The errors are benign and play
only a minor role. In contrast, the small new generation lower grade sensors are affected by larger
errors. The nature of the encountered errors is most often not purely white, as assumed by the Kalman
filter, but colored with different correlation times. In common navigation system designs stochastic
measurement errors that are not estimated by the filter are mostly modeled as white noise for the sake
of simplicity or against better judgment. Time correlated noise is substituted by white noise and the
disregarded correlation is compensated by higher uncertainty. This might be problematic because the
navigation solution will be severely distorted if the magnitude of the substitute white noise is assumed
too small, resulting in persistent state error estimate offsets. Since the innovation is consequently
affected, too, there is the risk that the integrity monitor marks aiding measurements unjustifiably as
faulty. Otherwise, if the white noise density is chosen sufficiently large, the navigation solution will
not be biased but one gives valuable system performance away because the predicted state error
variance is larger than it could be.
Therefore, due to the mentioned reasons, it is desirable that the navigation filter is designed such that
all measurements, the inertial as well as the aiding measurements, and modeling errors like the gravity
model error are processed in a statistically correct manner.
Moreover, the integration of sensor measurement and modeling error models into the navigation filter
has an interesting side effect: it can enormously simplify the filter tuning process. Filter tuning refers
to the reasonable adjustment of the process noise and aiding measurement error covariance matrices
by the system designer. Filter tuning is in general a difficult task and requires some experience in
integrated navigation systems. It is an iterative process, which needs simulations on the one hand and
real, recorded measurement data for example from flight experiments on the other hand. The system