PO3100K 130W像素1/2.9英寸高清CMOS图像传感器手册

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本文档是关于Pixelplus公司开发的一款130万像素(1312x740像素)的1/2.9英寸高清级单芯片CMOS图像传感器PO3100K的初步数据手册。PO3100K是一款专为高分辨率应用设计的产品,它结合了先进的成像技术和创新的 Crystal Image & Imaging 技术,旨在提供优质的图像质量和性能。 该传感器的开发历程在文档中有所记录,自版本0.0开始,由Jun Hyuck Lee负责编写,并在后续的修订中不断优化和改进。以下是关键更新历史: - **版本0.0 (05/04/2013)**: 初始预览版本,包含基本信息和初步规格。 - **版本0.1 (14/05/2013)**: 对部分描述进行了修改,表明团队对产品特性有持续关注和更新。 - **版本0.2 (20/05/2013)**: 更改了图像区域的有效尺寸(可能涉及传感器的光学设计),以提高成像效果。 - **版本0.3 (27/05/2013)**: 修订了典型参数,可能涉及到性能指标的调整或优化。 - **版本0.4 (04/06/2013)**: 继续优化参数,确保数据的准确性。 - **版本0.5 (21/Aug/2013)**: 最后一次更新,对一些描述进行修改,强调了文档可能会未经通知就进行更改,提示读者如需获取最新版本需通过邮件联系支持。 值得注意的是,用户在使用时应保持警惕,因为此为预发布资料,可能会有未经正式公告的变动。若想获得最新和完整的信息,建议直接与Pixelplus公司官方联系,通过电子邮件support@pixelplus.co.kr获取最新的PO3100K传感器规格和指南。 PO3100K传感器的核心特点是其1312x740像素阵列,能捕捉高清晰度图像,适用于各种高清视频和相机应用,特别是对于那些对图像质量有高要求的领域,如安防监控、手机摄像头和专业摄影设备。文档详细说明了传感器的结构、功能特性、工作原理以及接口规范,有助于工程师们在设计和集成相关系统时参考和利用这款先进的图像传感器。
2018-12-18 上传
SAP Process Orchestration The Comprehensive Guide, 2nd Edition SAP流程编制综合指南 1 Introduction to SAP Process Orchestration 1.1 Historical Overview and Evolution 1.1.1 SAP Process Integration 1.1.2 SAP Composition Environment 1.1.3 SAP Process Orchestration 1.1.4 SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 Highlights 1.2 SAP Process Orchestration Components 1.2.1 SAP Process Integration 1.2.2 Business Process Management 1.2.3 Business Rules Management 1.3 Architectural Overview and Positioning 1.3.1 SAP Process Orchestration Positioning 1.3.2 SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java: System Architecture 1.3.3 SAP NetWeaver AS Java System Logical Layers 1.4 Installation Options 1.4.1 Case 1: SAP Process Integration Dual Stack 1.4.2 Case 2: SAP PI Dual Stack and SAP Composition Environment in Separate Installations 1.4.3 Case 3: SAP PI Single Stack and SAP Composition Environment in Separate Installations 1.4.4 Case 4: SAP PO—SAP PI and SAP Composition Environment in a Single Installation 1.5 Summary 2 Administration and Development Tools 2.1 SAP Process Orchestration Tools 2.1.1 Enterprise Services Repository 2.1.2 Integration Directory 2.1.3 System Landscape Directory 2.1.4 Configuration and Monitoring 2.2 SAP NetWeaver Administrator 2.2.1 Availability and Performance 2.2.2 Operations 2.2.3 Configuration 2.2.4 Troubleshooting 2.2.5 SOA 2.3 SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 2.3.1 Use and Download 2.3.2 SAP Process Orchestration and SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 2.4 Summary Part II Advanced Adapter Engine Extended (AEX) 3 Configuring the System Landscape Directory 3.1 System Landscape Directory Components and Features 3.1.1 Landscape 3.1.2 Software Catalog 3.1.3 Development 3.2 Registering Systems to the System Landscape Directory 3.2.1 Connecting to ABAP-Based Systems 3.2.2 Connecting to Java-Based Systems 3.2.3 Connecting to Other Systems 3.3 Administration of the System Landscape Directory 3.3.1 Server 3.3.2 Data and Content 3.4 System Landscape Directory Strategies 3.4.1 Manual Export and Import of Data 3.4.2 Automatic Bridge Forwarding 3.4.3 Full Automatic Synchronization 3.5 Tips and Tricks 3.5.1 Naming Convention 3.5.2 Keeping Your System Landscape Directory Catalogs Up to Date 3.5.3 Self-Registration of a Java-Based System with the SLD 3.5.4 Configuring Data Suppliers from One SLD to Another 3.5.5 Manual Export and Import of Data 3.5.6 Connecting the SLD to CTS+ to Facilitate the Export and Import of SLD Data 3.6 Exercise: Configuring the System Landscape Directory 3.6.1 Exercise Description 3.6.2 Exercise Solution Approach 3.6.3 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 3.7 Summary 4 Working with the Enterprise Services Repository and Registry 4.1 Basic ES Repository Technical Concepts 4.1.1 Functional Blocks 4.1.2 First Steps in the Enterprise Services Repository 4.1.3 Service Interface 4.1.4 Integration Patterns: Stateful and Stateless Communication 4.1.5 Asynchronous versus Synchronous 4.1.6 Quality of Service 4.2 Design Objects 4.2.1 Software Component Versions 4.2.2 Folders 4.2.3 Namespaces 4.2.4 Mappings 4.2.5 Process Integration Scenario 4.2.6 Actions 4.3 Data Types and Message Types 4.3.1 Data Types 4.3.2 External Definitions 4.3.3 Message Type 4.3.4 Additional Design Objects 4.4 Exercise: Working with the ES Repository and Registry 4.4.1 Exercise Description 4.4.2 Exercise Solution Approach 4.4.3 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 4.5 Summary 5 Working with the Integration Directory 5.1 Integration Directory Overview 5.2 Collaboration Profiles 5.2.1 Party 5.2.2 Communication Component 5.2.3 Communication Channel 5.2.4 Communication Component without a Party 5.3 Adapter Types 5.3.1 Technical Adapters to Enable Communication with SAP or Third-Party Systems 5.3.2 Application Adapters to Enable Communication with an SAP System 5.3.3 SAP Industry Adapters 5.3.4 Third-Party-Developed Adapters 5.4 Integrated Configuration 5.4.1 Inbound Processing 5.4.2 Receiver 5.4.3 Receiver Interfaces 5.4.4 Outbound Processing 5.5 The XI Message Protocol 5.6 Configuration Scenario 5.6.1 Creating a Configuration Scenario from Scratch (Manually) 5.6.2 Creating a Configuration Scenario from a Model 5.7 Value Mapping 5.7.1 If/Else Logic 5.7.2 Fixed Values 5.7.3 Value Mapping 5.8 Business-to-Business Integration 5.8.1 Business-to-Business On Premise 5.8.2 Business-to-Business Managed Services 5.8.3 Trading Partner Management 5.9 Axis Framework 5.10 Representational State Transfer Adapter 5.11 Message Alerting 5.11.1 Alert Rule Overview 5.11.2 Creating an Alert Rule 5.11.3 Editing or Deleting a Rule 5.12 Publish the Service in the Services Registry 5.13 Integration Directory Programming Interface (Directory API) 5.14 Exercise: Working with the Integration Directory 5.14.1 Exercise Description 5.14.2 Exercise Solution Approach 5.14.3 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 5.15 Summary 6 Building an Integration Flow 6.1 SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 6.1.1 Installing SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 6.1.2 Setting Up SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 6.1.3 Enterprise Integration Patterns and User-Defined Templates 6.2 Basics of Creating and Configuring an Integration Flow 6.2.1 Creating an iFlow 6.2.2 Configuring an iFlow 6.3 iFlow Example 6.3.1 Creating Products, Software Components, Business Systems, and Technical Systems in the SLD 6.3.2 Importing SLD Objects into the ES Repository in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 6.3.3 Create Enterprise Service Repository Objects 6.3.4 Create Directory Objects: Import Business Systems and Create iFlows 6.3.5 Testing the iFlow Scenario 6.3.6 Monitoring the Scenario 6.4 New Features of the Process Integration Designer 6.4.1 Export Objects from the Integration Designer 6.4.2 Automatically Deploy after Import 6.4.3 Version History and Deployment Status 6.5 Supporting Multiple Senders for Your iFlow 6.6 Exercise: Building an Integration Flow 6.6.1 Exercise Description 6.6.2 Exercise Solution Approach 6.6.3 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 6.7 Summary 7 Administration and Monitoring in AEX 7.1 Administration 7.1.1 Central Administration Tool 7.1.2 SAP NetWeaver Administrator 7.1.3 SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java 7.1.4 SAP Process Integration Monitoring (pimon) 7.1.5 SAP Management Console 7.1.6 Config Tool 7.1.7 Administration Using Telnet 7.2 Monitoring 7.2.1 SAP NetWeaver Administrator 7.2.2 SAP Process Integration Local Monitoring 7.2.3 SAP PI Central Monitoring with SAP Solution Manager 7.2.4 Message Retention 7.2.5 User-Defined Message Search 7.3 Troubleshooting 7.3.1 Configuring Log and Traces 7.3.2 Using the Log Viewer 7.4 Summary 8 Migrating Interfaces from SAP PI Dual Stack to SAP PO 8.1 Migration Strategies 8.2 Migrating System Landscape Directory Content 8.2.1 Products 8.2.2 Software Components 8.2.3 Technical System 8.2.4 Business System 8.3 Migrating Enterprise Services Repository Content 8.3.1 Exporting Objects 8.3.2 Importing Objects 8.4 Migrating Integration Directory Content 8.4.1 Manually 8.4.2 Using the Migration Tool 8.5 Summary Part III Business Process Management and Composition 9 Introduction to SAP BPM and BPMN 2.0 9.1 Managing Business Processes 9.2 SAP Business Process Management 9.2.1 SAP BPM versus SAP Business Workflow 9.2.2 BPM before SAP BPM 9.2.3 SAP BPM Main Components 9.3 Business Process Model and Notation 2.0 9.3.1 Swimlanes 9.3.2 Artifacts 9.3.3 Flow Objects 9.3.4 Connections 9.4 Summary 10 Creating Your First SAP BPM Process 10.1 SAP BPM Positioning and Development Environment 10.1.1 Positioning 10.1.2 Setting Up Your Development Environment 10.2 Creating and Modeling an SAP BPM Process 10.2.1 Demonstration Scenario 10.2.2 Building an SAP BPM Process: Overview 10.2.3 SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio Perspective Concept 10.2.4 Create a Project in SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 10.2.5 Creating a Process for Your BPMN 10.2.6 Creating a BPMN Model 10.3 Configuring the BPMN Model 10.3.1 Data Objects 10.3.2 Creating Data Structures 10.3.3 Importing XSD and WSDL 10.3.4 Process Pool Properties 10.3.5 BPMN Flow Objects 10.4 Flow Objects 10.4.1 Events 10.4.2 Tasks 10.4.3 Activities 10.4.4 Gateways 10.4.5 Artifacts 10.5 Build and Deploy Your Process 10.5.1 Steps for Building a Process 10.5.2 Steps for Deploying a Process 10.6 Advanced Mapping 10.6.1 Mappings 10.6.2 Options in Mapping Assignment 10.6.3 Automatic Mapping 10.6.4 Custom Functions 10.7 Implementing Error Handling 10.8 Combining SAP BPM and the AEX 10.8.1 Message from SAP BPM to the AEX 10.8.2 Message from the AEX to SAP BPM 10.8.3 Leverage an ES Repository Mapping in SAP BPM 10.9 Exercise: Creating an SAP Business Process Management Process 10.9.1 Exercise Description 10.9.2 Exercise Solution Approach 10.9.3 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 10.10 Summary 11 Applying Advanced SAP BPM Concepts and Extensions 11.1 Service-Oriented Architecture Configuration 11.1.1 Configuration for an Automated Activity 11.1.2 Configuration for a Start Event or Intermediary Event 11.2 Testing and Running an SAP BPM Process 11.2.1 Process Repository Overview 11.2.2 Process Testing 11.3 Custom Enterprise Java Bean Functions 11.3.1 Create EJB and EAR Development Components 11.3.2 Create the Enterprise Java Bean 11.3.3 Build and Deploy 11.3.4 Create a New Enterprise Java Bean Function 11.4 Using the Claim Check Pattern 11.4.1 Create Interfaces 11.4.2 Create Mappings 11.4.3 Configure the Channel 11.4.4 Retrieve the Large Message from SAP BPM 11.4.5 Update the Status of the Large Message from SAP BPM 11.5 SAP BPM Application Programming Interface 11.5.1 Prerequisite to Using the SAP BPM API 11.5.2 Implementation Aspects and Examples 11.6 SAP Business Process Management OData 11.6.1 OData Services for Tasks and Task Data 11.6.2 Error Handling 11.7 Using the Push API to Access SAP BPM Lifecycle Events 11.7.1 Accessing Events through a Message Driven Bean 11.7.2 Accessing Events through a Java Message Service API 11.8 Debugging and Troubleshooting SAP BPM Processes 11.8.1 Place Breakpoints in the Process 11.8.2 Add a Debug Configuration 11.9 Tuning SAP BPM-Related Performance Parameters 11.10 Best Practices for Your SAP BPM Application 11.10.1 BPMN, Mapping, and Parallelism 11.10.2 Task Related 11.10.3 Gateways 11.10.4 Looping 11.10.5 Data Object 11.10.6 Correlation 11.10.7 Error Handling 11.10.8 Housekeeping 11.11 Exercise: Applying Advanced SAP BPM Concepts and Extensions 11.11.1 Exercise Solution Approach 11.11.2 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 11.12 Summary 12 Combining SAP BPM and UI Technologies 12.1 Web Dynpro Java User Interface Technology 12.1.1 Generating a Web Dynpro User Interface 12.1.2 Post-Configuration Steps 12.2 Integrating SAPUI5 into an SAP BPM Process 12.2.1 SAPUI5 Technology Platform 12.2.2 Model-View-Controller Concept 12.2.3 SAPUI5 Components 12.2.4 Other SAPUI5 Concepts 12.2.5 Integration Steps 12.3 Other User Interface Technologies 12.3.1 Visual Composer 12.3.2 Adobe Offline Forms 12.3.3 Support for Custom User Interface Technologies 12.4 Summary 13 SAP Business Rules Management 13.1 How Business Rules Work 13.2 SAP Business Rules Management 13.2.1 Rules Composer 13.2.2 Rules Manager 13.2.3 Rules Engine 13.3 Modeling Business Rules with Rules Composer 13.3.1 Create the Rules Composer Development Component 13.3.2 Adding Context to the Rules 13.3.3 Creating a Ruleset 13.3.4 Flow Ruleset 13.4 Testing Business Rules 13.5 Best Practices for Modeling Business Rules 13.5.1 Separate Decision Logic from Other Types of Logic 13.5.2 Reuse and Extend before Building 13.6 Exercise: SAP Business Rules Management 13.6.1 Exercise Solution Approach 13.6.2 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 13.7 Summary 14 Implementing Java Proxies 14.1 Java Proxy Concept and Considerations 14.2 Implementation Approaches 14.2.1 Outside-In Approach 14.2.2 Inside-Out Approach 14.3 Technical Implementation 14.3.1 Development Environment 14.3.2 Developing a Server Java Proxy 14.3.3 Developing a Client Java Proxy 14.4 Building an Orchestration 14.5 Exercise: Implementing Java Proxies 14.5.1 Exercise Solution Approach 14.5.2 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 14.6 Summary 15 Administration and Monitoring Message Processing in SAP BPM 15.1 Monitoring 15.1.1 SAP Business Process Management System Overview 15.1.2 Process Repository 15.1.3 Process Management 15.1.4 Task Management 15.1.5 SAP BPM Inbox 15.1.6 Business Logs 15.1.7 SAP BPM Action Monitor 15.1.8 Process Troubleshooting 15.1.9 Rules Business Logs 15.1.10 SAP BPM Analytics Dashboard 15.2 Administration 15.2.1 Process Data Archiving 15.2.2 Log Viewer 15.3 Summary 16 Migrating ccBPM from SAP PI to SAP PO 16.1 Motivation for Migration 16.2 Migration Approach 16.2.1 Analyze the As-Is Integration Processes 16.2.2 Translate and Redesign 16.2.3 Export and Reuse Enterprise Services Repository Objects 16.2.4 Migrate and Adapt Configuration Scenarios 16.3 Recommendations 16.4 Summary Part IV Advanced Concepts 17 SAP Cloud Platform Integration for SAP PO 17.1 Enable Cloud Integration Content in SAP PO 17.2 Reusing Cloud Integration Content 17.2.1 Download Cloud Integration Content 17.2.2 Deploy the Cloud Integration Content 17.3 Monitoring 17.3.1 Monitoring the Integration Gateway Component 17.3.2 Monitoring Messages Related to the Deployment of Cloud Integration Content 17.4 Summary 18 Additional Components for SAP Process Orchestration 18.1 Component Model 18.1.1 Product 18.1.2 Software Components 18.1.3 Development Component 18.1.4 Dependencies among Development Components 18.1.5 Public Parts 18.2 SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure 18.2.1 Change Management Services 18.2.2 Design Time Repository 18.2.3 Component Build Service 18.3 SAP Composite Application Framework 18.3.1 Design Time Aspects 18.3.2 Runtime Aspects 18.4 Service Registry 18.5 Enhanced Change and Transport System 18.5.1 SAP PI-Related Transports 18.5.2 Transports for Non-SAP PI Java Objects 18.6 Exercise: Create an SWCV 18.6.1 Exercise Solution Approach 18.6.2 Exercise Step-by-Step Solution 18.7 Summary 19 Landscape Setup Considerations 19.1 Java System Configuration 19.1.1 Java Sizing and Setup Considerations 19.1.2 Java System Architecture 19.1.3 Java Central Services 19.1.4 Java Parameter Tuning 19.2 Handling Certificates 19.2.1 Certificate Key Storage 19.2.2 Encryption of Message Content on Database Level 19.3 Housekeeping 19.3.1 Archiving 19.3.2 Deletion 19.3.3 Restarting 19.3.4 Recovery 19.4 Monitoring 19.4.1 Runtime Workbench 19.4.2 Wily Enterprise Manager 19.4.3 SAP Management Console 19.4.4 SAP Solution Manager Monitoring 19.4.5 Tracing 19.4.6 JVMMON 19.5 Summary A Orchestration Outlook A.1 SAP API Management A.2 SAP Cloud Platform Integration A.2.1 Features and Facts Overview of SAP Cloud Platform Integration A.2.2 Development Guide: Getting Started A.2.3 Monitoring A.3 The Integration Advisor A.3.1 Interface Specifications: Advice from the Advisor A.3.2 Mapping Guideline A.3.3 Runtime A.3.4 Testing A.4 SAP Cloud Platform Workflow as a Service A.4.1 Workflow Service A.4.2 Workflow Modeling A.4.3 SAP Cloud Platform Business Rules A.4.4 Workflow Tasks Management A.4.5 Integration 官方出品,英文原版,可编辑带导航非影印版(总计1866页)

这段代码是什么意思-- Create table create table CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER ( erp_message_no VARCHAR2(60) not null, po_number VARCHAR2(20) not null, erp_order_type VARCHAR2(20) not null, org_code VARCHAR2(20) not null, header_id NUMBER not null, supplier_code VARCHAR2(240) not null, asn_num VARCHAR2(200) not null, last_update_date DATE, last_updated_by NUMBER, creation_date DATE, created_by NUMBER, last_update_login NUMBER, operatives VARCHAR2(50) not null, return_code VARCHAR2(200), return_mesg VARCHAR2(400), isinwarehouse NUMBER, remark VARCHAR2(200), character5 VARCHAR2(200), isinspectionresults NUMBER, remark2 VARCHAR2(150), remark3 VARCHAR2(150), remark4 VARCHAR2(150) ) tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 1 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 16K next 8K minextents 1 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 ); -- Add comments to the columns comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.erp_message_no is '接口编号'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.po_number is '采购订单号'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.erp_order_type is '事务处理类型'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.org_code is 'OU-ID'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.header_id is '采购订单头id'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.supplier_code is '供应商编码'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.asn_num is 'wms号'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.operatives is '操作员'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.return_code is '反馈代码'; comment on column CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER.return_mesg is '反馈信息'; -- Create/Recreate indexes create index WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER_N1 on CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER (CREATION_DATE, DECODE(RETURN_CODE,'S','S','E')) tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 128K minextents 1 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 ); create unique index WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER_U1 on CUX_WMS_PO_TRANSACTION_HEADER (ERP_MESSAGE_NO) tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA pctfree 10 initrans 2 maxtrans 255 storage ( initial 64K next 128K minextents 1 maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0 );

2023-06-04 上传