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A. The data in list word_b includes English words from the file "abc.txt" that begin with the letter "b" and have a length greater than 4. B. The data in list word_b includes English words from the file "abc.txt" that begin with the letter "a" and have a length greater than 4. C. The data in list word_b includes English words from the file "abc.txt" that have "a" as the second letter and have a length greater than 4. D. The data in list word_b includes English words from the file "abc.txt" that have both the first and second letters as "a" and have a length greater than 4. 二、多选题(共25题,共50分) 2. 已知字典 dvar 的内容如下: dvar = {1:10, 2:20, 3:30, 4:40} 关于字典 dvar 的描述,下列说法正确的是?( ) A. 删除字典 dvar 中键值为 3 的元素 B. 修改字典 dvar 的第 2 个元素的键为 3 C. 修改字典 dvar 的第 2 个元素的值为 200 D. 向字典 dvar 中添加一个新的元素 5:50 E. 删除字典 dvar 试题编号:20220422-jx-018 试题类型:多选题 标准答案:AD 试题解析:A 正确,B 错误,C 错误,D 正确,E 错误。很显然,A、B 两个说法对字典 dvar 进行了操作,都是正确的。而添加元素和删除字典都是错误的。 三、判断题(共10题,共20分) 3. 对于Python中的字典对象,下面关于性质的说法错误的是?( ) A. 字典对象是可变类型对象 B. 字典对象的键不可以重复 C. 字典对象的值可以重复 D. 字典对象值可以是任何数据类型 试题编号:20220422-jx-029 试题类型:判断题 标准答案:B 试题解析:字典对象的键不可以重复是错误的,字典的键身充当索引,必须唯一。 以上是《中国电子学会青少年编程Python》2022年12月6级题目及答案的部分内容。