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"IPv6地址规划是网络设计的关键部分,特别是在向IPv6过渡的过程中。本书由Tom Coffeen撰写,提供了全面的指导,帮助读者理解IPv6地址规划的重要性,并提供实践建议来构建未来的网络。这本书适合网络管理员、IT专业人员以及对IPv6感兴趣的读者,旨在帮助他们解决构建IPv6地址计划的问题。" 在IPv6的世界中,地址规划不仅关乎地址的长度,还涉及到网络的扩展性、管理效率和安全性等多个方面。IPv4地址的枯竭使得IPv6成为必然的选择,而有效的IPv6地址规划则是顺利过渡的基础。 首先,书中强调了IPv6地址规划的前期准备。这包括了解组织的网络需求,如预期的增长、服务的类型、设备的数量以及安全和隐私的要求。此外,还需要考虑现有的IPv4架构,以便于平滑迁移,并确保与IPv4的互操作性。 其次,设计阶段涵盖了如何创建逻辑和物理地址结构,如子网划分、聚合策略以及预留地址。IPv6的128位地址空间提供了巨大的灵活性,可以支持更精细的地址分配和路由策略。作者可能还会讲解如何使用前缀分配、无类别域间路由(CIDR)以及如何利用全球单播、多播和任播地址。 接下来,维护部分涉及了地址生命周期管理,包括分配、跟踪、审计和回收。此外,书中可能会讨论自动化工具和流程,以提高地址管理的效率和准确性,以及如何在地址规划中融入灾难恢复和业务连续性策略。 书中还可能深入探讨IPv6的特性,如移动性和安全性。例如,IPv6支持移动IPv6,允许设备在不改变IP地址的情况下在全球范围内移动。另外,IPv6原生支持IPsec,提供了更强大的数据加密和身份验证机制,这对于网络安全至关重要。 最后,作者通过实例分析和最佳实践,帮助读者理解和应用这些概念,以构建一个不仅能满足当前需求,而且能够适应未来发展的IPv6地址体系。无论你是新手还是经验丰富的网络工程师,这本书都将为你提供宝贵的洞见和实用的指导。 "IPv6 Address Planning"是一本深入探讨IPv6网络设计和规划的宝贵资源,它将帮助读者掌握IPv6地址规划的关键要素,为成功过渡到IPv6奠定坚实基础。
2017-03-28 上传
If you’re ready to join the move to IPv6, this comprehensive guide gets you started by showing you how to create an effective IPv6 address plan. In three example-driven sections—preparation, design, and maintenance—you’ll learn principles and best practices for designing, deploying, and maintaining an address plan far beyond what’s possible with IPv4 networks. During the course of the book, you’ll walk through the process of building a sample address plan for a fictional company. Enterprise IT network architects, engineers, and administrators will see firsthand how IPv6 provides opportunities for creating an operationally efficient plan that’s scalable, flexible, extensible, manageable, and durable. Explore IPv6 addressing basics, including representation, structure, and types Manage risks and costs by using a three-phase approach for deploying IPv6 Dig into IPv6 subnetting methods and learn how they differ from IPv4 Determine the appropriate size and type of the IPv6 allocation you require Apply current network management tools to IPv6 Use IPv6 renumbering methods that enable greater network scale and easier integration Implement policies and practices to keep IPv6 addresses reachable Table of Contents Chapter 1. Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going PartI. Preparation Chapter 2. What You Need to Know About IPv6 Addressing Chapter 3. Planning Your IPv6 Deployment PartII. Design Chapter 4. IPv6 Subnetting Chapter 5. IPv6 Address Planning Concepts Chapter 6. Getting IPv6 Addresses Chapter 7. Creating an IPv6 Addressing Plan PartIII. Maintenance Chapter 8. Working with IPAM and DDI Chapter 9. Managing Growth and Change Chapter 10. Keeping Your IPv6 Addresses Reachable Appendix A. Planning Worksheets Appendix B. IPv6 Prefix Maps Appendix C. Recommended Reading
2015-05-08 上传
Title: IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future Author: Tom Coffeen Length: 286 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: O'Reilly Media Publication Date: 2014-11-28 ISBN-10: 1491902760 ISBN-13: 9781491902769 If you’re ready to join the move to IPv6, this comprehensive guide gets you started by showing you how to create an effective IPv6 address plan. In three example-driven sections—preparation, design, and maintenance—you’ll learn principles and best practices for designing, deploying, and maintaining an address plan far beyond what’s possible with IPv4 networks. During the course of the book, you’ll walk through the process of building a sample address plan for a fictional company. Enterprise IT network architects, engineers, and administrators will see firsthand how IPv6 provides opportunities for creating an operationally efficient plan that’s scalable, flexible, extensible, manageable, and durable. Explore IPv6 addressing basics, including representation, structure, and types Manage risks and costs by using a three-phase approach for deploying IPv6 Dig into IPv6 subnetting methods and learn how they differ from IPv4 Determine the appropriate size and type of the IPv6 allocation you require Apply current network management tools to IPv6 Use IPv6 renumbering methods that enable greater network scale and easier integration Implement policies and practices to keep IPv6 addresses reachable Table of Contents Chapter 1. Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going PartI. Preparation Chapter 2. What You Need to Know About IPv6 Addressing Chapter 3. Planning Your IPv6 Deployment PartII. Design Chapter 4. IPv6 Subnetting Chapter 5. IPv6 Address Planning Concepts Chapter 6. Getting IPv6 Addresses Chapter 7. Creating an IPv6 Addressing Plan PartIII. Maintenance Chapter 8. Working with IPAM and DDI Chapter 9. Managing Growth and Change Chapter 10. Keeping Your IPv6 Addresses Reachable Appendix A. Planning Worksheets Appendix B. IPv6 Prefix Maps Appendix C. Recommended Reading