Appears in the Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC ’14)
2 Methodology
In this section, we describe our methodology, specifically our
choice of target systems, the base issue repositories, our issue
classifications and the resulting database.
• Target Systems: To perform an interesting cloud bug study
paper, we select six popular and important cloud systems
that represent a diverse set of system architectures: Hadoop
MapReduce [3] representing distributed computing frame-
works, Hadoop File System (HDFS) [6] representing scal-
able storage systems, HBase [
4] and Cassandra [1] represent-
ing distributed key-value stores (also known as No SQL sys-
tems), ZooKeeper [5] rep resenting synchronization services,
and finally Flume [
2] representin g streaming systems. T hese
systems are referred with different names (e.g., data-center
operating systems, IaaS/SaaS). For simplicity, we re fer them
as cloud systems.
• Issue Repositories: The development projects of our tar-
get systems are all hosted under Apache Software Founda-
tion Projects [
8] wherein each of them ma intains a highly
organized issue re pository.
Each repository contains devel-
opment and deployment issues submitted mostly b y the de-
velopers or sometimes by a larger user community. The term
“issue” is used here to represent both bugs and new features.
For every issue, the repository stores many “raw” labels,
among which we find useful are: issue date, time to resolve
(in days) , bug priority level, patch availability, and numbe r
of developer responses. We download raw labels automati-
cally using the provided web API. Regarding the #responses
label, each issue contains developer re sponses that provide a
wealth of information for understanding the issue; a complex
issue or hard-to-find bug typically has a long discussion. Re-
garding the bug priority label, there are five priorities: trivial,
minor, major, critical, and blo cker. For simplicity, we label
the first two as “minor” and the last three as “major”. Al-
though we an a lyze all issues in our work, we only focus on
major issues in this paper.
• Issue Classifications: To perform a meaningful study of
cloud issues, we introduce several issue classifications as dis-
played in Table
1. The first classification tha t we perform is
based on issue type (“miscellaneous” vs. “vital”). Vital issues
pertain to system development and deployment problems that
are marked with a major priority. Miscellaneou s issues rep-
resent non-vital issues (e.g., code mainten a nce, refactoring,
unit tests, documen ta tion). Real bugs that are easy to fix (e.g.,
few line fix) tend to be labeled as a minor issue and hence are
also marked as miscellaneous by us. We had to manually add
our own issue-type classification because the major/minor
Hadoop MapReduce in particular has two repositories (Hadoop and
MapReduce). The first one contains mostly development infrastructure (e.g.,
UI, library) while the second one contains system issues. We use the latter.
Issue Type Vital, miscellaneous.
Aspect Reliability, performance, availability, security,
consistency, scalability, topology, QoS.
Bug scope Single machine, multiple machines, entire cluster.
Hardware Core/processor, disk, memory, network, node.
HW Failure Corrupt, limp, stop.
Software Logic, error handling, optimization, config, race,
hang, space, load.
Implication Failed operation, performance, component down-
time, data loss, data staleness, data corruption.
Per-component Labels
Cassandra: Anti-entropy, boot, client, commit log, compaction,
cross system, get, gossiper, hinted handoff, IO, memtable, migra-
tion, mutate, partitioner, snitch, sstable, streaming, tombstone.
Flume: Channel, collector, config provider, cross system, mas-
ter/supervisor, sink, source.
HBase: Boot, client, commit log, compaction, coprocessor, cross
system, fsck, IPC, master, memstore flush, namespace, read, region
splitting, log splitting, region server, snapshot, write.
HDFS: Boot, client, datanode, fsck, HA, journaling, namenode,
gateway, read, replication, ipc, snapshot, write.
MapReduce: AM, client, commit, history server, ipc, job tracker,
log, map, NM, reduce, RM, security, shuffle, scheduler, speculative
execution, task tracker.
Zookeeper: Atomic broadcast, client, leader election, snapshot.
Table 1: Issue Classifications and Component L ab el s.
raw labels do not suffice; many miscellaneou s issues are also
marked as “major” by the developers.
We carefully read ea ch issue (the discussion, patches, etc.)
to decide whether the issue is vital. If an issue is vital we
proceed with further classifications, otherwise it is labeled
as m iscellaneous and skipped in our study. This pape r only
presents findings from vital issues.
For every vital issue, we introduce aspect labels (m ore in
3). If the issue involves har dware problems, then we add
informa tion about the hard wa re ty pe and failure mode (§
Next, we pinp oint the software bug types (§ 6). Finally, we
add implicatio n labels (§
7). As a note, an issue can have
multiple aspect, hardware, software, and implication labels.
Interestingly, we find that a bug can simultaneously affects
multiple machines or even the entire cluster. For this purpose,
we use bug scope labels (§
4). In addition to generic classifi-
cations, we also add per-component labels to mark where the
bugs live; this enables more interesting analysis (§
• Cloud Bug Study DB (CBSDB): The product of our c las-
sifications is stored in CBSDB, a set of raw text files, data
mining scripts and graph utilities [9], which ena bles us (and
future CBSDB users) to perform both quantitative and qu al-
itative analysis of cloud issues.
As shown in Figure
1a, CBSDB contains a total of 21,399
issues submitted over a period of three y e ars (1/1/2011-
1/1/2014) which we analyze one by one. The majority of
the issues are miscellaneous issues (83% on average across