Spring MVC 实战:模拟HTTP请求方法

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本文主要讨论了在Spring MVC框架中如何通过请求方法限定和模拟HTTP请求方法,特别是利用`HiddenHttpMethodFilter`来处理PUT等非GET、POST请求。同时,文章还概述了Spring MVC框架的基本结构、新特性和关键组件,以及控制器的定义和映射。 在实际的Web开发中,我们经常需要处理PUT、DELETE等HTTP请求方法,但通常表单提交默认仅支持POST和GET。在Spring MVC中,可以通过在`web.xml`中配置`HiddenHttpMethodFilter`来解决这个问题。这个过滤器允许我们在POST请求中通过一个名为`_method`的参数来指定真正的HTTP请求方法。例如,如果发送的POST请求包含`method=PUT`,`HiddenHttpMethodFilter`会将HTTP头信息动态更改为PUT,从而模拟PUT请求。 Spring MVC是一个强大的MVC框架,它简化了Java Web应用程序的开发。在Spring 3.x版本中,框架引入了许多新特性,如对RESTful风格URL的支持、更多的注解驱动功能、HTTP输入输出转换器、与数据转换、格式化和验证框架的集成,以及对静态资源的特殊处理等。这些特性使得开发者可以更高效地构建健壮且易于维护的应用程序。 Spring MVC的核心组件包括`DispatcherServlet`,它是整个框架的入口点,负责分发请求到相应的处理器。`HandlerMapping`用于将请求映射到合适的控制器,而`HandlerAdapter`则确保控制器方法能够被正确调用,无论其签名如何。控制器(如`@Controller`注解的类)定义了处理用户请求的方法,返回`ModelAndView`对象,其中包含了模型数据和视图名称。视图解析器(`ViewResolver`)根据视图名称找到具体的视图实现,如JSP、XML或PDF。 在示例代码中,`UserController`被标记为`@Controller`,表明它是一个处理用户相关请求的控制器。`@RequestMapping`注解用于映射URL,`/user`表示所有与用户相关的请求都将由这个控制器处理。`register`方法处理`/user/register`的请求,并返回逻辑视图名`user/register`,该名称将被视图解析器进一步解析为实际的视图。 Spring MVC提供了丰富的功能和灵活性,使开发者能够优雅地处理HTTP请求,包括模拟PUT、DELETE等非标准请求方法,以及构建复杂的Web应用程序。通过理解并熟练运用这些概念和技术,可以提升开发效率并提高应用的可维护性。

请翻译: is making SMTP connections which indicate that it is misconfigured. Some elements of your existing configuration create message characteristics identical to previously identified spam messages. Please align the mail erver's HELO/EHLO 'icoremail.net' with proper DNS (forward and reverse) values for a mail server. Here is an example: Correct HELO/DNS/rDNS alignment for domain example.com: - Mail server HELO: mail.example.com - Mail server IP: - Forward DNS: mail.example.com -> - Reverse DNS: -> mail.example.com Correcting an invalid HELO or a HELO/forward DNS lookup mismatch will stop the IP from being listed again. Points to consider: * Alignment: it is strongly recommended that the forward DNS lookup (domain name to IP address) and rDNS (IP to domain) of your IP should match the HELO value set in your server, if possible * The IP and the HELO value should both have forward and rDNS, and should resolve in public DNS * Ensure that the domain used in HELO actually exists! Additional points: * According to RFC, the HELO must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN): "hostname.example.com" is an FQDN and "example.com" is not an FQDN. * The domain used should belong to your organisation. * HELO is commonly a server setting, not DNS. Contact your hosting provider for assistance if needed. You can test a server's HELO configuration by sending an email from it to helocheck@abuseat.org. A bounce that contains the required information will be returned immediately. It will look like an error, it is not. Please examine the contents of this email. If all settings are correct, you have a different problem, probably malware/spambot. Again, the HELO we are seeing is 'icoremail.net'. The last detection was at 2023-05-27 13:35:00 (UTC). For information on misconfigured or hacked SMTP servers and networks, please see this FAQ: https://www.spamhaus.org/faq/section/Hacked...%20Here's%20help#539 CSS listings expire a few days after last detection. You can always open a ticket (or update an existing one) to inform us when and how the situation was been secured.

2023-05-31 上传