Why It Takes So Long to Connect to
a WiFi Access Point
Changhua Pei
, Zhi Wang
, Youjian Zhao
, Zihan Wang
, Yuan Meng
, Dan Pei
Yuanquan Peng
, Wenliang Tang
, Xiaodong Qu
Tsinghua University
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList)
Abstract— Today’s WiFi networks deliver a large fraction of
traffic. However, the performance and quality of WiFi networks
are still far from satisfactory. Among many popular quality
metrics (throughput, latency), the probability of successfully
connecting to WiFi APs and the time cost of the WiFi connection
set-up process are the two of the most critical metrics that affect
WiFi users’ experience. To understand the WiFi connection set-
up process in real-world settings, we carry out measurement
studies on 5 million mobile users from 4 representative cities
associating with 7 million APs in 0.4 billion WiFi sessions,
collected from a mobile “WiFi Manager” App that tops the
Android/iOS App market. To the best of our knowledge, we
are the first to do such large scale study on: how large the
WiFi connection set-up time cost is, what factors affect the
WiFi connection set-up process, and what can be done to reduce
the WiFi connection set-up time cost. Based on our data-driven
measurement and analysis, we reveal the insights as follows: (1)
Connection set-up failure and large connection set-up time cost
are common in today’s WiFi use. As large as 45% of the users
suffer connection set-up failures, and 15% (5%) of them have
large connection set-up time costs over 5 seconds (10 seconds). (2)
Contrary to the state-of-the-art work, scan, one of the subphase
of four phases in the connection set-up process, contributes the
most (47%) to the overall connection set-up time cost. (3) Mobile
device model and AP model can greatly help us to predict the
connection set-up time cost if we can make good use of the
hidden information. Based on the measurement analysis, we
develop a machine learning based AP selection strategy that
can significantly improve WiFi connection set-up performance,
against the conventional strategy purely based on signal strength,
by reducing the connection set-up failures from 33% to 3.6% and
reducing 80% time costs of the connection set-up processes by
more than 10 times.
In recent years wireless data traffic has witnessed an expo-
nential rise due to the explosion of smart devices. Among
these wireless networks, 802.11 wireless LAN (WiFi) has
served a dominate fraction of today’s wireless traffics. In the
past decade, over 1 billion WiFi APs (Access Points) have
been sold and deployed to provide wireless connectivity [1].
WiFi hotspots that are found everywhere today have been used
even when users are using smart devices with 3G/4G cellular
networks supported.
However, network performance and user experience in WiFi
networks are still not satisfactory: based on our measurement
studies over 5 million users using WiFi networks in urban
areas, as large as 45% of mobile devices fail in establishing
Dan Pei is the corresponding author.
a WiFi connection with the corresponding APs and 15%
(5%) of successful WiFi connections suffer connection set-up
time costs over 5 seconds (10 seconds). It is thus critical to
understand the WiFi connection set-up process, the first step
to use a WiFi network, including how the WiFi connection
set-up performance is, why there is a significant fraction
of connection failures and large connection set-up time cost
events, and what can be done to reduce the WiFi connection
set-up time cost.
Previous measurement studies on WiFi networks have been
focused on general user experience metrics (e.g., bandwidth
and latency experienced in WiFi networks) and few focus on
the performance of WiFi connection set-up process. [2] gives
the first try to attract people’s attention on the connection set-
up time cost. They collected data from a handful of voluntary
Android smartphones in controlled environment and observed
that the large connection set-up time cost is mainly caused
by the loss of DHCP packets. However, the performance of
WiFi connection set-up processes in the wild still remain
unknown and there lacks thoroughly investigation in a larger
scale. In our paper, we aim to address this problem. We
collected connection log data from millions of mobile devices
which are equipped with a popular Android App called “WiFi
Manager”. Firstly, the “WiFi Manager” App enables us to
break down the connection set-up process to sub-phases to find
some observations which are not discovered before. Secondly,
the large-scale data collection enables us to train a machine
learning model which can help us to predict the connection
set-up time cost right before the user’s connection attempt.
This model can be further used to help mobile users select the
best APs to reduce the connection set-up time costs.
Our contributions can be summarized as follows.
In the macro-level, we explore how the connection set-
up time cost looks like in the wild. We continuously col-
lect connection log from 5 million distinct mobile devices
equipped with “WiFi Manager” App and collect 0.4 billion
WiFi connection attempts. We find 45% of connection attempts
fail. Among those successful connection attempts, 15% (5%)
are larger than 5 seconds (10 seconds). Based on the x-y vi-
sualization and correlation analysis (e.g., Relative Information
Gain), we discover that besides the well-known signal strength
which affects the connection set-up processes, knowing the AP
model and the mobile device model has great help to predict
the connection set-up time cost. This is mainly because APs