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计算机是一种普遍存在的技术,具有不可磨灭性、通用性、时效性、可靠性、可感知性等重要特点。第一台电子数字计算机诞生于美国,于1946年问世,标志着计算机科学的新纪元。从20世纪50年代到60年代,电子计算机的核心元件主要采用电子管、晶体管和集成电路等。冯·诺伊曼结构计算机的五大主要组成部分包括运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和控制器。冯·诺伊曼计算机的基本原理是顺序执行。在微型计算机的汉字系统中,一个字通常由16位构成。一台微型计算机的内存容量通常为128M位。在微型计算机中,内存是最快的存储器。与外存相比,内存的主要特点是能够临时存储信息。计算机能够响应用户的指令,进行计算和处理数据。Computers are a universally present technology that possesses important characteristics such as indestructibility, generality, timeliness, reliability, perceptibility, etc. The first electronic digital computer was born in the United States in 1946, marking a new era in computer science. From the 1950s to the 1960s, the core components of electronic computers mainly adopted electronic tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits. The five main components of the von Neumann architecture computer include the arithmetic logic unit, memory unit, input device, output device, and control unit. The basic principle of the von Neumann computer is to execute instructions sequentially. In a microcomputer's character system, a character is typically composed of 16 bits. The memory capacity of a microcomputer is usually 128M bits. In a microcomputer, memory is the fastest storage device. Compared to external storage, the main feature of memory is its ability to store information temporarily. Computers can respond to user commands, perform calculations, and process data.